Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Clothes for G

Clothes for G

Orphanage Visit
Matching Hat

Coming Home Outfit

5 Pajamas (could be outfit too)

5 Outfits

7 Onsies
5 Pr. Socks
3 Vinyl Bibs
Comments welcome.


Truly Blessed said...

I'd cut out one of the vinyl bibs, and add another two pair of socks (there's just something about little socks -- if she's walking, they get so dirty!).

Make sure to have a couple/few baby washcloths -- they're so handy to use for spitups, clean ups in restaurants, etc. They're also handy to wrap around the bottle & rubberband so it helps insulate it when you're out and about.

Remember to have an extra outfit for the plane ride home (our YD girl threw up all over herself & Daddy with 5 hours left in the flight -- and ended up becoming an American citizen wearing her 'jammies!).

Other than that, it sounds good. Maybe an extra pair of pants in the diaper bag, in case of blow-out messes!

I can't wait to see your sweet girl in your arms! Not long now, Mama!

Kelley said...

Whoa! I am totally impressed! (I thought I was organized...hmmm...maybe not so much.) I'd say you're set!

Paula said...

Maybe a bathing suit; the White Swan won't allow anyone in the pool without a bathing suit, even babies in swim diapers. In Beijing, the hotel we went to required a bathing cap on everyone. Definitely bring an extra set of pants or 2 in your bag for long rides where you don't have access to your suitcase. Jess loved to eat but had a couple blowouts or vomiting episodes as her system got used to eating a variety of things.

Anonymous said...

You are ready! Enjoy the journey! It is so exciting what is about to happen in your world. You are going to become a mama. Oh what joy! Your heart is about to go through a major expansion. I can't get enough of this miracle of families being formed through adoption. I am so excited for you. Can't wait to follow your blog in China!

mskajlc said...

Definitely take two outfits on the plane with you and do NOT dress her in her coming home outfit until the last hour of your flight! We went thru all three sets of clothing on the way home with Lia. She had one blow out mega mess and I threw out the clothing in the Shanghai airport. The second blow out was on the last flight home and I had already changed her into her coming home outfit. Lia also became a citizen while wearing her jammies!

park it said...

2 cents...
Ditch the dress - pack all black pants - and tops -
and def make sure you carry on EXTRA clothes - we got stuck overnight in Chicago coming home (a United Airline coming home story -that takes the cake...oh yea at Christmas time too)
Good Luck!

Lisa and Tate said...

You are so organized... Please share you list and the updates of what ended up working... I am starting to get a little worried about the packing already! SO excited to follow your journey!!!


TK said...

I agree, don't put her in the coming home outfit until almost ready to land. Just let her wear jammies on the plane or casual clothes. It is a long flight!
Make sure you take diapers from home and save for the flight home.

Laura said...

How organized! Very impressive. I'm going to bookmark this so that when I travel I can attempt to be this together!

Shelley said...

Hey...very very organized...good job!!! You will be so glad you did!!
Only suggestions I have is to nix a bib, add some socks, pj's on the plane until just before landing. Oh...one thing I didn't do on the first trip, but definately did it on the second trip...was to take a couple of pair of plastic pants to go over the diaper. They are made to go over a cloth diaper, but they help SO MUCH if you have a blow out!!!! I only used them on flying days when a blow out could be BAD traipsing up and down an airplane aisle!! Anyway, they were a lifesaver.
I only took three pj's (one to wear, one to wash, and an extra to allow for drying time)
I didn't see any mention of baby shoes. We didn't bother either trip. I just took along a pair of bootie slippers (size forgiving) and then bought shoes to my hearts content in China when I could better determine their foot sizes. Both times I was very surprised at their foot size.
Have a GREAT trip!!!! Can't wait to follow along!!
Blessings to you and your beautiful baby girl~

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