Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Okay, I need to ELIMINATE from my suitcases. Tell me what I DON'T need and WHY!!! Not sure if I packed it? Trust me, if you can think of it, I packed it! LOL!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

ok, how many pair of shoes do you really need? I think 2 is enough, take out the other 6 pair. :)

Stephe said...

I am wearing my Merrells on the plane and taking only one other pair of shoes, 1 pair of flats or flip flops for hotel running around. Thanks Sarah!

Joy said...

Your hotel will give you slippers, most likely. I only took one pair of Merrells for the whole trip and that was fine.

I've been twice, and learned that Chinese diapers really are ok, even though some people say they can't stand them. So if you have a suitcase full of those, you can leave them at home. You should have a chance to purchase some before you get your daughter. Just take a few to start and enough for the plane ride home.

You will need wipes, though. I never saw those in China.

I don't know what all is in your suitcase. Are you going to Guangzhou? You will find everything you need there.

Have a safe and fun trip!


Cheri and Shane said...

Do you have a packing list? If so, email it to me at cherihy@yahoo.com and I will tell you from that what I didn't need...maybe that will help! :)

Eliza2006 said...

I packed diapers and probably didn't need them...I also came home with many of the diapers I packed. You can get diapers there. It's really hard because you don't know if you will or will not need things until you come home! I packed formula and wish I didn't...I started her on my formula, didn't have enough and had to switch her to a formula in Guangzhou (not the formula in her province) and then back to U.S. formula when we got home. I wish I would have just used the formula in China for 2 weeks. Pack plenty of undies for yourself...they are small. As far as baby clothes, they are small too...pack 6 or so outfits and buy a couple there. You can also have your laundry done there. After being a mom for over 2 years, I can say you don't need a bunch of different meds. Pack baby ibuprofen, antibiotics if you have them and may a cough suppressant like Delsym. I haven't ever used any other medication. Don't pack food...you and the baby will be just fine without American food for 2 weeks. Pack one or two light baby blankets. Hope any of this rambling helped. Good luck! It's a very exciting time!

Stephe said...

Thanks Joy. I will ditch the flip flops and maybe go with a super collapsable type flat. I am only taking 14 diapers for the way home and about 100 wipes. Maybe I will have my best friend carry some more. :) Stephe

Stephe said...

Tiffany, I decided to NOT take formula. I packed undies for everyday. I bought them at Walmart for 97¢. So, needless to say, they are disposable. I have 6 outfits and 6 jammies in two sizes of 6-9 and 12m. I need lots of meds for me unfortunately. Mostly allergy stuff. I think my allergies will reak havoc. Still need to buy a few more baby meds like motrin & tylenol. I did pack 10 little breakfast bars that I eat like candybars, couple packs of instant soup and drink singles to plop in bottled water. (some are hydration types.) Thanks for all the info. I didn't pack any baby blankets. Think I can buy them there??

TK said...

I would keep the diapers and wipes that you have. Save them for the plane ride home. The ones in China were fine but while on the plane, I had her in my lap and the second she peed, it leaked all over me. The ones we brought from America didn't do that.
Break meds down into ziploc bags wtihout the boxes if you can.
take less clothes. You can get clothes washed at Sherry's daily if you want to. Make sure you have at least 3-4 days worth and you can take the clothes down in the morning and pick up in the afternoon. Don't worry about underwear, they saw mine, washed mine and gave it back folded up in a nice little plastic bag. I didnt' care that all of China saw my huge underwear! LOL
Make sure gifts for those in China are small and lightweight. Go with scarfs, small makeup or things that take up less space. no big bottles of stuff. No one even knows what bag you gave them anyway.

Anonymous said...

pack anti diarhea meds and naseau med. You may need it from your dr.

We took Wen to the dr in the White Swan. They took decent care of her. Our guide was very helpful in this, translating etc.

1 toy, if any.. babies play with tops of the water bottles. Don't worry they were not small like they are here in the US.. They were like small cones.

You need 1 blanket.

I packed too many bottles.

Stephe said...

TimandKim, Thanks for the tips. Meds were all taken out of the boxes and put in ziplocs. I didn't pack that many either. I still haven't decided on clothes. 3-4 days sounds good. I'm washing travel clothes tonight and will make my final decision. I will probably pack all black! My favorite and it all matches. LOL. Thanks. Stephe

Anonymous said...

I have adopted two girls from China and would be happy to look over your packing list to tell you what best to eliminate. Definitely have your laundry done there that eliminates alot. If you are staying in Guangzhou, there are many places to have laundry done. I would take one or two blankets for the baby, they really don't take up a lot of room. I don't think you will need six jammies for Giorgia, I don't think I had more than 3. If you are staying in Guangzhou you will find it easy to get everything you need there. My first daughter is from Yangxi so I spent 10 days there. Email me if you need some advice kb0915@aol.com. I am so excited for you. I am a single mom too and know the amazing experience that is before you! Enjoy every moment!

Stephe said...

I've got Pepto, cipro, zpack, allergy meds, immodium, ib and pepscid. I think that should be good for me. Thoughts? I don't have a blanket but I guess I will add one. I am only bringing 2 platex disposable liner bottles. I figure I can buy a different kind in China if I need more. Thanks Christy. Stephe

Stephe said...

Thanks Cheri & Kolleen,
I'll try to get those to you! Stephe

Shelly said...

We only brought 2 jammies for Jessa. You could probably only bring 1 pj but since you don't know her size - two is more than enough. And we brought outfits for Jessa that were also interchangeable & mix & match - for example: a skort with three different shirts. So maybe just pack a pair of baby jeans and a couple different tops. But you can definitely save space on her clothing. I also rolled all of Jessa's clothing into collapsable travel bags that took all the air out and packed flat. I know it is tough though to take out the cute baby clothes. :) We only took the wipe refills and not the hard plastic tub/dispenser thingy. You can just put the wipes in a ziploc once you get there after they are opened and it keeps them from drying out and saves space in your suitcase too. We took 2 bottles and the drop in liners also. We took the liners out of the boxes. Try packing things inside the bottles too - like the cheerios then you can eliminate that container and just transfer the cheerios over to a ziploc when you get there. They have cereal like cheerios on the breakfast buffet if you are staying at the Victory. 3-4 days of clothes is perfect for you. We washed clothes twice. I would definitely bring either a blanket &/or a little sweater or sweatshirt for her. The plane ride home can be very cool. Jessa wore a velour sweats outfit home on the plane and that was in early September when it was soo hot still, but the international flights were very cold. I changed her into the coming home outfit once we landed. I hope that helps a little bit...packing is so tough.

Happy Packing!!! :)

Kelley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the mommy said...

Stephe, pack anything like meds that are not liquid or gel in your carry on. We took 12 diapers and probably could have used a few more but I know you are traveling with a great group who will be willing to share until you all can get to a store. I found the China diapers to be fine in fact they fit Sophia better. We took WAY to many snacks, coffee, to many toys and for Sophia's age to many bottles. I wound up using the same 2 all the time and washing them out. I would not take again so many electronics although we carried those on so that was not a room or weight issue in our suitcase. I brought books and things to keep me busy on the plane and never looked at one of them. I was to excited and watched the in flight movie and slept going over coming home you will have the baby to keep you busy. We did not need a Baby towel or wash clothes either the hotels were fine. Send me your list too and I will see what I can eliminate for you...don't worry some how it all works out....

Paula said...

Bring orajel for the baby in case she's teething. We forgot it and had an interesting but unproductive visit to a Chinese pharmacy in her province. We were told to tickle her to make her stop crying from teething. Thankfully another family had some orajel to spare and it worked great. Definitely bring some sort of carrier. Jess only wanted to be carried at first by me - no one else would do and a stroller wouldn't do until we got to Guanzhou and she was a little more comfortable. If I hadn't had my hip hammock I don't know what I would have done.

Nina said...

I brought a thermos that I never used. I brought a veritable pharmacy that took up a lot of space, and I never used it, either.

I brought powdered antibiotics but when my older daughter got sick I had no idea how much to give her (I was prepared for the baby to be sick, not my big girl) so I ended up going to the clinic at The While Swan.

I brought tons of snacks that I never used. However, BRING CHEERIOS. They're hard to get in China and I was glad we brought so much.

You can get all the diapers and wipes you need in China so don't bother with those.

Everyone else has been pretty thorough but I thought I'd add my two cents.

Happy travels!!

dawn said...

Stephe, I have kept my packing lists from both trips. Do you want them???

Don't take a bunch of toys, she will be over stimulated by everything else anyway. We took stacking cups and a couple of others. We made the last trip with 4 people and 2 cases...and I NEED stuff!

Ziplocs are a must so are wipes. Enough diapers for 2 days, just in case. You can buy "nice" stuff once you hit Guanghou.

Do take a thermos, a slimline one. Take bibsters you can pitch them as you go.

Do laundry there.

You have my email feel free to use it.

So excited for you.
Hugs, Dawn, Jacob Lily and Rose

The Hastings family said...

OMG, I am sooooooooo excited for you!! We got back from China with our daughter last January. Here are some things you DO need...
baby blanket(3)
some meds(antibiotic for you and baby)
over counter meds
hand sanitizer
ziplock baggies
1 or 2 small toys for baby(stacking cups)
hat, gloves, coat scarf
maybe 2-3 pants
5 or 6 shirts(think layers)
3 -4 socks
1 or 2 pair shoes(tennis?)
diaper bag/tote
baby spoons
hat, gloves, coat for baby(snow suit)
about 5-6 outfits for baby
1 or 2 bottles( if she is still on bottle they should give you one)
on the go snacks(peanut butter crackers, fruit chews...)
you can buy a stroller in China and bring it home with you. It is a wonderful thing to get over there!!!
They give you water daily, so no need to take it.
I am drawing a blank now. Email me if you have any questions. Are you going to blog from there?
Have fun!Take a million pics!!!

Abby's Mom said...

Oh Man, I thought I sent you a commment? Did you get it?

Stephe said...

Wherelovegrows - Thanks, I have put G's clothes in ziplocs and pressed all the air out of them, that definately helped. I did like you too, I took the liners out of the box and I will even fill the bottles and thermos up with cheerios just before I depart. Great minds think alike.

Kelley, Thanks. I am definately adding a blanket now. I didn't think I would want to bring one but I will.

Susan, Thanks girlie. I think I will ditch the "things" for the flight...realistically my mind will be all over and I won't look at any of that stuff. However, I cannot eliminate any electronics...it might just send me over the edge. LOL. You know me!!

Paula, Thanks, I just bought baby orajel just last night!!!

Nina, Thanks. I want to ditch the thermos but don't feel I can. It's one of those things though that if I don't need it I can toss in China!

Dawn, Thanks. I ditched all the toys except stacking cups and a bitty puppy to represent my Pirate at home.

The Hasting family, Thanks. Tips are great. Yes, I will be blogging from China.

Jenny, I didn't get your comment of the packing stuff! :(

Kelley said...

Me again...DO take the thermos. (I got my slim thermos at a Walgreens.) Just be sure it's empty when you arrive at the airport for the return flight. (The stewardess will fill it with hot water for you.) Our orphanage director and nannies did not give us any bottles. Chloe liked the regular old bottles best, and she liked her formula thick and hot! One thing that saved our lives, though, that I didn't mention before was baby food prunes. Lots of the babies are constipated, and we found that mixing some prunes in Chloe's bottles really helped. I think you'll only need one blanket, and Chloe wasn't as hip on stacking cups as a lot of babies are...she would have rather had a rattle or keys. No stuffed toys or dolls needed. You've gotten a ton of great tips--I wish I had been as prepared as you will be!

MacMui Mom said...


I am more than happy to come over and help you pack. I have gotten pretty good at int'l travel over the years. Let me know if you need any help. We are sooooo excited for you!!!


Stephe said...

Kelley, Thanks. I've got a slimline. It's awesome. Thanks for the tip on making sure it's empty on the return flight. Prunes - check and packed.

Lisa, Thanks for the offer. Let's see how I do this weekend! LOL. I can't believe it's right around the corner!

Sheryl, how on EARTH did you go COO????

park it said...

Get a Hip Hammock - I carried K all over China in one - she slept and was very happy - I was also able to do LOTS of shopping - I put my backpack on my back and her on my side - the last 1/2 of the trip I was by myself - so if you can't move it by yourself - don't take it...I never used a stroller in China - just the Hip Hammock - best $40 ever spent!

I would say don't take ANY bottles - you can get them there - they will take you to a store before - and if you are going the Bejing first - you can p/u one there in Carrefour(wal mart type store) Carrefour carries most anything you will need - take just a few outfits - various sizes - then buy her more there... Don't sweat it - relax - Now take a deep breath!

Lisa said...

Everything I packed (except for some special outfits and pj's), I could have gotten in China. Go light on shoes for her as well. I took several pairs and she ended up not fitting in to any of them! I had to buy a pair for her on day 2! I took way too many diapers... too many bottles and too many Cheerios! Diapers? I had heard horror stories of the Chinese diapers leaking. I took an entire package of diapers... everyone's suitcase contained diapers! I would suggest taking maybe 5-7... enough to get you through to a point you can get to a little store... I ended up buying Huggies and wipes in China and they were just fine. I did save some of the American diapers for the trip home and used the China diapers while there... but really, they weren't so bad. I was able to get little hand snackies from the local grocer as well. The orphanage gave us the formula Gracie was on and I was able to buy more while there. You don't want to put her on American formula straight away anyway, it's a gradual process you can work through. I also packed like 4 or 5 bottles... (Really... what was I thinking?) I really only needed 2...one for now and one for later. You can wash and sterilize using boiling water from the hot kettle you will most likely get in your room. Shoes? Sneakers (something comfy) for touring and one pair for nicer outfits... flats seemed to squish nicely! Also, we used those "space bags" where you are able to roll/squish out most of the air. That gave me so much more room! Hope this helps! :)

Truly Blessed said...

Absolutely take a small blanket (or two) -- it gets cold on the busses and in the AC at the WS (plus they make great pillows when needed, and a great sunshade over the stroller when you're out and about and it's sunny.

I wouldn't take any 6-9 mo clothes. I've seen the size of your darling girl, and you won't need them! 12 month sizes will be the smallest you'll need (yeah, I had a big Yangdong girls too!).

Take the thermos -- Giorgia will still be on a bottle, and the YD girls like them HOT!

And take a sweater for the baby -- I'm surprised at how often we put a sweater on our girls in China -- even though it was pleasant outside, it got chilly in the hotels & restaurants!

Can't wait to follow your journey to your girl!!!

KHM said...

OK, one thing we did was ditch the original gifts and go to the post office and get sheets of decorative US stamps (Disney graphics since that is were we are located) and the wax collector envelopes they come in. I added a lipstick, pretty postcard from where we live, (and a Christmas card for fun. For the Orphanage Director and foster family I added a smaller bottle of American Ginsing dried capsules that had a picture of the product on front. I was going to bring some local scented soaps. This was much lighter and less space.

We did not use thermos, did use stacking cups and a cloth book and a fleece blanket. Also leggings (for baby not you) - they are easier than tights and they keep the grannies off you back about keeping the baby covered. I got those at Target.

Baby stuff should be 2 piece elastic waist or snap crotch - easier when you are diapering.

I brought Magnesium capsules instead of baby prunes and just a bit in her bottle worked more than fine.

I skipped the baby soap and used baby shampoo for both.

And they do laundry just great - particularly in Guangzhou it was wonderful!

Lisa and Tate said...

I have nothing to add but will be VERY interested in what you bring.... You know you will be the Been there, done that gal for when it's my turn to pick up Tate!

So excited for your travels and meeting Gigi.


Kim said...


Definitely keep the thermos. We used it quite a bit, especially on travel days. It helps to keep to Baby G's feeding schedule even if your travel group is out somewhere on a tour or whatever.

Baby blanket is a must, our guide kept at us to keep our children covered all of the time (and we were there in March/April, not January)

You can skip bringing baby bottles - You can buy them there and are familiar to Baby G, same with diapers. We kept using the bottles we bought in China once we got home too, all the way until she stopped using a bottle. We did bring both diapers and bottles with us and could have left them at home.

We brought 4 outfits for Maddie with us and bought more clothes in China once we knew her size. Which was good, because she was alot smaller than we had thought and all of the clothes we brought were big. We did bring a couple of jackets for her that worked well for layering (which also made our guides happy along with the blankets)

I'm so excited for you Stephe!

Stephe said...

Chinazhoumom, Thanks. I have a baby carrier. I had gotten two but a great friend and a IA mom of 3 gave me hers and it's FANTASTIC so I am taking that one. Thanks Bernadette!

Lisa, Thanks. I am opting for no shoes. I'm taking those socks that look like they have on mary janes and plan to buy LOTS of squeaky shoes. I really hope the SWI give us some food. I also agree about not giving her American formula right away. I want to switch her slowly, once we are back in the states.

Truly Blessed, Thanks. I agree. My peanut is a bag of peanuts. I really don't believe that she will fit 6-9 either. You are the FIRST IA person to think that! I am bringing mostly 12m but a couple seperates that are 6-9. I've got two sweater and most of the clothes can mix and match and can be layered.

KHM, Thanks. Not sure what Magnesium capsules are and where can I get them?

Lisa & Tate, Thanks. But Oiy. I thought I was so organized but still have way to much to do. DO WHAT YOU CAN NOW!!!!

Stephe said...

Kim, Thanks. I'm thinking that G will like the Chinese bottles better anyway. I just don't want to be stuck without anything on the first day. Just in case. I'm excited tooo!!! Next week!!

sierrasmom said...

Stephe I am taking very few clothes. I will wear a pair of jeans and bring 1 more pair. I am bringing 3 pair of capris. I am bringing 4 shirts, maybe 5 , 1 extra pair of shoes 5 underwear. 5 little socks and that is it!! We are planning on doing laundry there. We each plan to bring our clothes in our carry on. The checked bag will be used for Sierra's clothes, meds, the few toys we are bringing, gifts, winter hats, gloves scarves that we need for the Great Wall. I haven't started packing yet so I'll let you know how it goes!!

Ava's family said...

I really have enjoyed reading all the great advice people are giving you. I'm going to refer back to this post in the near future when it's our turn to pack!

Have a safe and wonderful trip to your beautiful girl! Enjoy every second, Stephe!

Kelley said...

I'm loving this discussion, and I'm modifying my list for next time based on what people are telling you. Happy New Year!

mskajlc said...

LOL Stephe, I am going to email you my packing list with post-trip comments. Do you want me to come over and help you pack?

Do you have the space bags or packmates?

Dont skimp on the meds, make sure to bring cold medication for yourself! Getting on the plane with a head cold is the worst!

Stuff things inside of things, make use of every inch!

Anonymous said...

DON'T ditch the thermos. Giorgia is young and will need hot bottles when you are on your day trips. But you might want to ditch the flipflops, the hotel should give you slippers. If not, you can get flipflop-type shoes in Guangzhou. Or just wear socks in the hotel room.
I only ever brought two pairs of shoes...the pair on my feet and one extra pair.
Have laundry done, the shops in Guangzhou have good prices and they do a great job.
See you on the 7th!

Abby's Mom said...

TRying again since blogger ate my last attempt. Remember US AIR lost my luggage and it never even made the trip to China. So here is my 2 cents on what you can live without and or find in China if you need it.

Never found in China

Baby nail clippers
Baby nasal aspirator
diaper cream (until I got to Guanzghou and that was in the left behind stashes that the stores had)
Baby hats!!!
Baby snow suit
baby undershirts/ onsies
excema cream
baby meds
Hairspray (they have it but it is just like water)
Chinese shampoo did not clean my hair
tylenol pm/ motrin

Wouldn't have needed if I had my luggage

Baby bath tub( Blow Up)
baby wash cloths
lots of baby toys (Just bring stacking cups, maybe one other and a book)
Diapers (the green pampers were fine for us)
my flat iron
snacks for me and baby
memory cards for your camera. (TOO risky to buy)

As far as clothes,

My winter Coat was in my luggage, I got by with a pull over fleece that I wore on the plane.
I would bring gloves and a hat & Scarf tho.

Just had my ugg boots. You will be fine with just your merills.

Would not have needed the converters. all of the hotels had them but did need the plug adapters.

1 pair of jeans 1 pair of sweats
1 pair of silk long underwear
1 long sleeve tee shirt
1 short sleeve tee shirt
2 pairs of socks
2 pairs of undies

I borrowed from my mom the following to supplement

2 pairs of undies
1 pull over sweater
1 pull over sweat shirt
1 long sleeved shirt
1 pair of pj's (I wore the pj shirt as a shirt sometimes)

I was fine with that, all you will care about is your baby not what you look like. You can put your laundry out each am and it will be back that evening.

Advice Pack All of your electronics in your carry on including the cords, chargers ect.
My charger to my camera was in my luggage and my camera died the 3rd day. Totally sucked!!

Also make sure your laptop is light and little. Mine was big and heavy and a huge PITA to carry along in my back pack!

If you can bring a bag of lollypops. My Mom did and gave them out to the local kids that come up to you. It was priceless to see their reactions.

I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to follow your journey!!!

Abby's Mom said...

Let me add, ditto on not bringing any formula and minimal baby clothing. She will probably have on a pair of shoes when you get her. The Chinese were funny about that (per our guide) So that will get you started, The Nanchang Walmart had plenty of clothing/ supplies for babies and cheap. You can get all that there :)

Lost and Found said...

Ditch the immodium in favor of pepto, Immodium just locks it all in and you'd want it all out! I'd bring the flip flops for the shower just in case unless you know where you're staying. If you bought a seat for your babe you'll get a baggage allowance once in China as well. We lucked out, got baby in Beijing so I had her baggage allowance immediately. Blow up beach ball and bubbles work best. Good luck

Jill said...

I'll just put my .02 worth in on the clothes. My daughter was 20 lbs when I got her at nearly 14 mos.; I brought a few 9 mos and probably mostly 12 mos, but the 9 mos Carter's dresses fit the best. She's 25lbs now and pretty chubby, but it really depends on the brand. Target's Circo runs waaay small. In Gymboree, she is still in 6-12 mo. My mom bought some Walmart (Faded Glory) stuff...even smaller than Circo. Gap I think is about on target at 12 mos. All that to say, she may look chubby, but still be smaller than you think. Mallory certainly feels heavier than the sizes she wears. :) And I agree w/those who say skip the thermos. I was lucky that my daughter didn't care what temp the water was. I gave up boiling and just used room temp bottled water.

K said...

I tried to read all the comments, but it took too long so if I repeat, I apologize.

Be sure to put the med. instructions in with your meds. In fact, rubberband them around the bottles.

Speaking of bottles, stick to the 8oz. standard narrow ones with regular nipples. All our fancy widemouth bottles won't be what she's used to. Pack only 2 bottles, but 6 nipples in case you have to cut some.

Don't pack many toys at all. Remember, these babies aren't used to much and even what we consider a little will be overwhelming for her. The new sights and sounds will be so much stimulation as it is, plus your constant attention.

Don't go for fashion, but practicality and comfort for the baby's clothes. Again, too much stimulation and they take up space. If you bring your good stuff and it's washed there, remember, it's SUPER hot water and they will shrink and probably fade.

Remember, whatever you pack will be unpacked and repacked as you live out of your suitcase so really make it simple. Think survival, forgot you're an American and used to having so many things.

Bottom line, pack the absolute necessities and then add if there's space, but don't take up all the space because you'll want to shop.

the meaklims said...

I cried to the song playing on your blog. So heart wrenching.

Soon, VERY soon.
Love, Jill xoxox

Alyson and Ford said...

Two links to posts we made upon our return from China. Should be a couple of things in there to help.



Michal said...

We took WAY too much stuff. I ended up wearing about the same 3 outfits so that advice from the others is solid. The laundry services are a big help. Take only one toy, Evelyn played with her stacking cups and a camera clamp for heaven's sake :). Take a few bottles but extra nipples - we had to step Evelyn down to a regualr opening form the huge hole they had cut into her bottle. Take a binkie if you want to help build up the sucking muscles- this was a definite MUST with Evie- she only used it while in China and it helped in getting her used to the smaller holes in her nipples. I would say that a very few pj's and outfits for Giorgia will be fine. We also relied heavily on Chinese diapers. Cheerios are good - everything else she ate while in China came from China. Just remember that you will have to carry everything that you pack half way around the world! THAT idea may help you eliminate some things. Good luck!
Congratulations again.
ps my verification word was just "bring"- how appropriate is that?!?!?!

Abby's Mom said...

ME again :) Get the stroller in china. You will need it in the airports! Trust Me!!

Shannon said...

I agree with Jenny/Abby. I wore my sneaker/running shoes every day. She came with shoes and I brought one robeez til I bought squeakies. Everyone's trip is different though. You can find snacks for the kiddos there. One can of formula at the most. Found rice cereal there. Used the thermos once. Laundry was folded nicely but smelled of chemicals at Jennifers. You can buy lots there, esp. at one of the government department stores. Buy stroller there. W.S. hotel had a clinic which I went to and basically bought immod/pepto/other stuff for my constant nausea etc. for 16 bucks. Whatever else they gave me made me feel much better within 8 hours. Best 16 bucks ever! So excited for you!!!!

KHM said...

Oops sorry not to get back here for a bit.

I got Magnesium capsules at Vitamine Shoppe - but you should be able to get them at almost any vitamin or health food store or even in a drug store. It is just regular old magnesium adults take, but it comes in either pills or capsules.

Remember MilK of Magnesia (yuk) - that is nothing more than magnesium. When you get more than you need the rest draws water into the bowel and you get softer stool (TMI)?

I suddenly realized this works for babies too when reading a post by a French mom that said they don't give constipated babies prunes over there, they give them water with a lot of magnesium in it.

Hope that clarifies

Anonymous said...

I am sure that by now you have the packing all done, so no hints from me. I know that you will have what Georgia will need the most. HER MOTHER'S LOVE AND COMFORTING ARMS. I want to wish you an exciting,safe,uneventful plane trip to China. Can;t wait to see you with your daughter. snif
best always bella

Arena Mom said...

Just wanted to say Congratulations! I just stumbled upon your blog and you dd is beautiful! We almost submitted a dossier for China but realized our dd was in Guatemala. Part of my heart is still with China and who knows...maybe we will revisit it someday. Anyway, congrats and enjoy your trip! It will pass to quickly (unlike the time you spent waititng!!!)

Kim said...

Take meds, it is winter and you can get sick!

I washed clothes in our room because we were sick. Take a bar of laundry soap. I wish I had NOT taken jeans, but nice sweatsuit type clothes. Wash your clothes right before going to bed and squish out the water by rolling them in dry towels and stepping on them. Almost all of my stuff (even jeans) were dry in the morning.

Baby clothes dry really quick! I could of gotten by with two sleepers, 2 onesies and 2 sweatsuit type outfits for her.

I took 2 boxes of wipes and way too many diapers, 10 would of been fine (hoard them for the plane).

Don't worry about baby snacks except for cheerios. Bring food for yourself! Get a few meal replacement bars and beef jerky. Take a tub of powdered gatoraide.

Everything you could need for a baby is in China. What you won't find is things for yourself. Purge baby things and focus on things for yourself.

Debbie and Sam said...

I second the take some candy for the local kids if you have space. We took tootsie rolls and you would have thought we were passing out gold. It was a huge treat to give the treats to the kids we met when we were out and about.

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