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Worries & Fears

Are you like me and wince every time you hear about a recall from China? Worry about our relationship with the very country that our Children will be or are from? Fear that a rift will occur and they will close down the IA program? You know the Olympics are just around the corner and we all know what happened with Korea. What does the future hold?

This month alone we’ve seen… toys made with lead, baby bibs and rattles made with lead, toothpaste containing poison, phone batteries, defective tires, pet food tainted with fillers that killed many pets, contaminated ginger and seafood…all from China. China seems to always be about saving face and do not like to be disgraced. But there are some unscrupulous businessmen out there. The manager of the toy factory hung himself the other day yet supposedly it was his best friend that sold him the led based paint. How tragic.

Now many of you might want to stop reading here. We will surely disagree and I’m in no mood for rude or ignorant comments. This is my personal thoughts on the matter.

Anyway, it is a scary thing that is happening. Really scary. Different countries have different standards of production. China has xxxcheap labor, they don’t have the same pollution regulations as us and the factory conditions, from what I’ve heard can be horrific. The only way to truly control the output of a product is for the US to produce it or have a US inspection upon the arrival of the outsourced products. The US out sources because they can get cheap labor. Last night on the news they were saying that for one barbie style doll, not the brand name Barbie, but it cost $1 for Chinese production of that doll and here in the US it would be $8 per doll. I know that business’ are in the game to make a profit…I get that. Me, as a consumer, I’m in the market to make my dollar stretch as far as it can. So, I am guilty for supporting all of the products that come from China. I am flat out GRATEFUL for Walmart. By outsourcing, I can minimize my financial worries.

On the flip side, at what cost do I trade my financial issues for the health of my daughter-to-be, my furry baby, family and friends. Of course, I choose my family and friends.

Because I choose family & friends, do I boycott out sourced products?

My answer, now, is NO. First of all, the US will never stop out sourcing. As long as there is demand for it…it won’t stop. As long as the economy is what it is…we will demand it. What I would like to see is some sort of new manufacturing agreements and a form of US inspection of products upon arrival if there isn’t any currently in place. I do believe the US companies that are outsourcing should bear the brunt of the responsibility. I hope that China realizes that basic human safety is at stake. I hope that the US continues to strive for safe products. I’ve signed up for google’s recall alert system and I went out to Lowe’s and bought a bunch of lead testing kits.
Please, let's hope a new plan is put into place that benefit everyone and keeps us all safe!


4D said...

Well said! I agree...companies outsource for cheap labour to increase profit margins. The savings is not passed onto the consumer.

Keep smilin!

Unknown said...

I have been thinking about countrys relationship with China all week as well!

Alyson and Ford said...

As you stated, supply and demand. Everyone wants a bargain; I still try to search out and buy "made in USA" as much as possible. Competition is competition and everyone needs to make the choice as best fits their situation as to value and price.
Thanks for the good post.

LID 01/27/06

Anonymous said...

I'm not grateful for Wal-Mart. In the small town where I come from there were three grocery stores until the Wal-Mart became "super" and started carrying lots of groceries. Now there is one and it is struggling to hold on.

What if your job depended on people buying from the USA? Would you be so grateful for Wal-Mart?

I never understood why people love shopping there. They don't treat their employees well either. They keep them part-time to prevent benefits and encourage workers to get public assistance (Medicaid) for their insurance.

Hubs and I choose not to spend our money there. The Waltons are always on the list of richest people but choose not to treat employees well (I know because hubs worked there in college!)

Listen to Alan Jackson's song Little Man.

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