Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

So Much to Do!!!

Let's see, I was surfing blogs and stumbled onto my friend Karen's blog this morning. She posted a list of all the things that she needs to get done this month! GREAT LIST! Karen, I'm copying your idea and creating a list of my own!

1. Get Child Abuse Clearance in and Mail out Homestudy for 797-C RENEWAL!!!!!

2. CLEAN the house!

3. Donate as much stuff as I can to just get rid of it...even the stuff in the shed.

4. Do Logos for Pandas and open shops.

5. Purchase car seat ,baby monitor and a bunch of other things I will still need for G's arrival.

6. Christmas - not doing Christmas Decorations this year but I will complete G's ECG & Friends Tree and I will have her tree up in her room.

7. Design referral announcements

8. Get carpet steam cleaned

9. Pack and Repack

10. Get a list ready for xmas gifts. I might be buying them in China!!!

11. Baby-proof a few parts of the house. Mount the top-of-stairs gate.

12. Order Thank You Cards from Kinko's
13. Finalize G's Care Package and Get all the photos that I need for them with labels! Plus figure out what I am going to do for a letter! Suggestions for the letter Welcome!!! Everything else is done so I'm not changing. LOL.
14. Pray my bedroom dresser arrives and is swapped out with old one.
15. Get my "Travel Packet" Completed. (my personal guide)
16. Purchase my Travel Cord Organizer from Bed, Bath and Beyond
17. Finalize Daycare
18. Finalize Pediatrician.
19. Order NEW MONEY. (Done)
20. Paint my foyer, stairway and 2nd floor hallway.
...and the list just goes on...


Nina said...

The good news is that the busier you are, the faster time goes past...

Before you know it, you'll have your referral and you'll be all ready to go to China for your daughter!

Angela said...

I say do it all now Stephe, because once you get your referral there is sooooo much that comes up that isn't even on your to-do list!! lol

I am so excited for you ~ I can't wait to see G's face!

panda hugs, Angela (ella's mom)

TK said...

Very good list, but may I ask...Why are you steam cleaning the carpets now? You know as soon as your baby arrives, they will NEVER be the same! Believe me, our's have permanent stains!
Maybe they can put a scotchguard kind of protector on it! LOL
Seriously though, I know you are SO ready for next month! I'm excited for you!

Billy and Maggie said...

Order new money?? You have to order it. Shoot I am so behind I dont think I will ever be ready.

Lori said...

OK, I'm fired up now. I must find another gear. Thanks for the boast.


the mommy said...

LOL ... I just heard the Sunny a Cher song "The Beat goes on" in my head. You will get this all done and all the other stuff that pops up after referral No Problem

Twice Blessed China Mom said...

This list is reminding me of why my finances have changed so drastically from my pre-child life to post-child life with 2 international adoptions. Keep the list running, because this is just the beginning, and the list gets longer! Save while you can, because the expenses are amazing. I used to think the figures about how many dollars it takes to raise a child to 18 were a bit crazy; I now think they've forgotten to factor in a few items! Save, save, save!!!

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