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Philadelphia Fun

Wow, what a weekend!!! I created a blog just for the event. Pandas take Philly...go check it out and see all of the photos.

When a few of us East Coast Girls decided to get together, we never thought that so many would join us. (some from pretty far away) It became more than I ever imagined it would be! I knew that I was creating bonds with a bunch of great girls (women, but I like to say girls) that I've been chatting with online. I just didn't realize how truely amazing each and every one was until I spent this weekend with them. We all had a story and a different perspective. Different but the same. Our Children from China will be our bond and I see all of us growing old together. It was a weekend with lots of touring, shopping, eating, and drinking. But in the end, what I'll remember the most was all of the fun, laughter, craziness, sharing, and tears. Thank you to all of you that came from near and far! This was just the BEST WEEKEND! I miss you all!!!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...


I so wish I lived closer!!! I had a blast on the trip and haven't laughed that much in a long time! It was so great to meet everyone...we sure do have a special group of women to share this journey with, don't we?

Donna :)

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