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Car Seats on Planes

Hello. Here is another question that I have been wondering about myself. Lucy, I still have to get back to your email! Anyway, as I have contemplating this very question, a member of one of my yahoo groups posted some reasons why not to.
The airlines do not require a car seat for a baby.
They also do notprovide car seats, you must bring your own.
Your carseat must be certified for airtravel. Not all car seats are.
If you use a car seat you need a regular ticket for yourchild.
In China most tour buses and taxis don't have seatbelts.


Kim M. said...
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Kim M. said...

Hey Stephe I deleted my other comment. What I was trying to tell you was, no car seat is really needed. We have travled with our kids as young as 12 months. They even have you hold the babies at take off and landing withour a belt on them. Apparently a car seat really wouldn't help if something happened. By the way I noticed you are in Delaware. I've loved Dewey and OC Md. my whole life. I live near Baltimore. I love your blog. Check mine out I'm new doing this.

Kim M. DTC 1/23/06

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