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Diaper Review

What is the best & cheapest diaper that you use? Do you get what you pay for in regards to Diapers? Are we just sucked into Brand names just because? I found this review of Walmart Diapers from slackermama.com and I found it really interesting. I think maybe I will give them a try. Here is her article, go check out her blog too!

"Hey, look at me! I’m all famous n’ stuff! My review of Walmart’s Parent’s Choice diapers just went up over at Baby Cheapskate (GREAT site, btw). I’d been meaning to do this review for ages, but I need to actually go to Walmart and find out how much a jumbo pack of diapers cost since we always buy the ginormous box (fyi: it’s $5.74… booyah bargain!). Anyhow, I have a deep love for these diapers. And I’m probably what you would consider a diaper snob. For Liam’s first six to nine months of life nothing but Pampers or Huggies touched his dear little bum. And all my friends would laugh at me because I was spending easily twice as much as they were on diapers. But I’m so dang picky. A lot of store brands don’t have an elasticized waistband and sometimes there’s no way of knowing if they do or not until you get home. Ugh! That waistband is a must for me since I want to avoid poopy blowouts as much as possible, thankyouverymuch. Anyhow. I’m going on way too much when you should just be heading over to my fabulous review to see the whole thing live and in person.

Speaking of reviews (you knew I wasn’t done, didn’t you? So smart, you are), I’m currently wrangling up my very own review blog. Yep, the rumors are true! I know it seems like everyone and their brother has a review blog these days. But this is something I’ve been hemming and hawing about for months now and it’s just plain past time or me to get one. There have been several great products I’ve been dying to review but have been hesitant to because of fear of angering the BlogHerAds gods. I need to get some reviews up there and do some final tweaking to the site, but look for me to unveil it here (hopefully) in the next couple of days. Wee! We’re in for some fun, ya’ll. In the meantime, if you have any great ideas for things I should review, let me know here in the comments! I’ll TOTALLY give you credit. "

It will be interesting to test this out!


kitchu said...

Since I can barely afford shampoo right now it's good to know there's a good diaper out there that's cheap too!

Kelley said...

OK, I am TOTALLY going to try this out. I've used them all with Chloe...Luvs, Pampers, Huggies, and some cheapo brand that I hated (wasn't Parents Choice). As far as the "big three," they're all OK with me. I loved Pampers until they leaked on me once, I loved Huggies until they leaked on me once, and I loved Luvs until they leaked on me once. (And we've only had those three leaks, BTW.) So what's got me right now is the Mickey Mouse design on the Huggies...we used to love the Sesame Street characters on the Pampers. So, I'll let you know my opinion on the Parent's Choice. If they work like the others, we're switching! Thanks for your post today!!

Michelle said...

I really recommend Target diapers. They are just about as cheap as the Walmart brand, and not cardboard-y. I don't like Walmart so I only tried the diapers once when we were out of town, but I wasn't impressed with how stiff they were. Even my daughter noticed and didn't like wearing them. She's potty trained now, except at night... but we used Target diapers for years and loved them.

Anonymous said...

Stephe - you'll find it'll end up coming down to a personal preference. You'll find a brand that fits the way you want it to, absorbs the way you want it to, and moves with the baby the way you want it to. That might be a cheaper diaper or it might be more brand name. For us, I'm sold on the Pampers Cruisers. Used them for Aiden and now using them for Garrett. I tried Huggies and I tried Pampers Baby Dry (or whatever they're called) and they just didn't fit the kids bodies as well as the Cruisers and I found with Garrett he doesn't have as many morning leaks with the cruisers like he did with the others.

Anonymous said...

We used them with our foster kids and they worked great. I had the littlest ones horrible diaper rash cleared up in no time and they never leaked on any of the 3 boys. I don't know how well they will work on our little ones with no bums but I will definately be trying them out as well as cloth diapering.
Michelle M
LID 1/13/06

Abby's Mom said...

Have to say it's LUV's all the way for us!! Pampers and Huggies Leaked.

K said...

Sorry, but the cheapest and best diapers to use are not disposables, they are cloth.

There's tons of info on cloth diapers out there and I challenge you to take a look, for your baby's, the budget's and the environment's sake. Oh, and you won't need to be making any 2am diaper runs to the store either.

Cloth diapers today are not the cloth diapers your grandmother wore. They are super exciting and fun. This weekend I'll make it a point to post pictures of all the cloth diapers I can find because they are amazing.

For my daycare, I actually advertise that I take families who use cloth diapers so I've had tons and tons of experience with all kinds of cloth diapers, covers and AIO systems.

My daughter will use my diapers, PooPockets, of course!

Kim said...

I've enjoyed using cloth diapers on Natalie. I am currently using five kinds of cloth diapers...

Indian prefolds - like Chinese prefolds but they aren't as bulky. They hold a lot!

Gerber prefolds - not my favorite but they work fine. They do not hold as much. They are cheap and you can get them at yardsales for 25cent normally.

MY diapers - I made hourglass diapers that are great, made from a robe of all things. They are the best!

Fitted velcro - I have 6 diaper cloud (or something like that) fitted cloth diapers that look like a disposable with velcro on the front. I like these because the fabric is very similar to the Indian prefolds and they are not bulky.

All the four above are covered with a Dappi wrap. Dappi wraps are not expensive (less than $2 in bulk) and they fit different little bodies because of the wide velcro pad on the front.

I also have one Fuzzi Bunz diaper which is a fantastic nighttime diaper. But they are horribly expensive ($16-18 each). I would like to try K's PooPockets but I don't have a sewing machine to make them. The pocket type of diapers are so easy. Actually, cloth diapers are so easy!

Sorry for writing a book in your comments section. I feel very strongly about this, Natalie came to me with boils on her diaper area and cloth diapers were the only way to cure it. Her system just couldn't handle all the chemicals on top of all the infections she came home with. I hate that she has to wear them at daycare but we'll continue weekends and nights to help balance it out.

BTW - the price of disposables are going up - guess why? They are made with crude oil and oil went over $100 a barrel. Makes cloth look that much better! :)

Julie said...

We used the Toys R Us Brand all time for Brynn. They worked well and were very inexpensive. We did use Pampers Cruisers for when we were going out of the house. They just made her little bum look so much cuter:) Who knows what we will end up using for #2.

Anonymous said...

As a mom to five kids a set of twins and a toddler from china... WAL-MART WHITE CLOUD DIAPERS ROCK!!!

I have tried them all and at the suggestion of the moms of multiples groups I made the trek to Walmart to try these diapers since I was going through about 30 a day and they are hands down the BEST. OTher store brands like Target suck because they leak. White Clouds DO NOT LEAK!!!! And they are super cheap and come in Huge packages so you can make less trips to the store (in case you are not a walmart shopper like myself)

Take the Walmart White cloud challenge. Get over the fact that they are made and sold by Walmart and just buy the darn things....you will not regret it!!

- Dawn in Sac - whos is very very happy to be offically out of the diaper stage and onto pullups at night! WooooHOOOOOO!

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