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The Oceanic 6 and the body in the Coffin

Lost (possible spoiler if you didn't watch the show yet)
My theory is
The show was just okay...I really, really want to know who is in the casket. I think it was one of the Oceanic 6. 1. Jack2. Kate3. Hurly4. Sun (cause she will die if not)5. Jin6. Sawyer, only because Jack refers that Kate needs to get back to him. But maybe "him" is her baby boy???? and Sawyer is still on the island and Kate is pissed that he refused to come with her. The have Jack say "him" so we think it's Sawyer. In that case, I guess is Desmond.
On Wednesday's recap of last seasons finale, they say to note the funeral home name...
it's Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Parlor. What does this mean? Anyone?
Now I found some other guys guess....

Okay, someone just said search google for an anagram device and plug in hoffs drawlar ...it pops up... FLASH FORWARD~Stephe
"In the season 4 premiere Hurley claims to be one of the "Oceanic 6" which leads me to believe that only 6 people left the island. This does not mean, however, that only 6 people survive, but only those six choose to leave the island. And the mysterious man who comes to visit Hurley in the mental hospital claiming to be from Oceanic enters a line of questioning to try and discover if others are still alive. From this we can infer that other people survived the island but chose not to return, and in order to protect their secret the Oceanic 6 enter into a pact amongst themselves to never reveal that others had survived the crash. The First of the Six is obviously Jack who has been in both flash forwards so far. The Second and Third are obviously Hurley and Kate who have both been in one of each of the flash forwards. While not revealed yet, necessity dictates that the Fourth Person must be Sun since staying on the island while pregnant means she will die. And if Sun is the Fourth, then the Fifth Person must be Jin. This then leaves the mystery of who the Sixth Person was/is/will be. Whoever it is, I believe, is the person who was in the coffin in the flash forward of 'Through the Looking Glass'. Because only that person would meet the criteria laid out in that episode. Someone who was 'neither friend nor family' of Jack Sheppard and who both Jack and Kate would know, yet feel strongly enough about to either go out of their way to attend the viewing as in Jack's case or avoid it entirely as in Kate's case. The most likely candidate right now is Sawyer since he is the only person willing to leave the island who would engender those intense reactions from Jack and Kate. The other possibility is Locke, but I can't think of any reason (yet) that Locke would ever leave the island. There's also the possibility that the Person in the Coffin was Hurley but the coffin was too small to hold him. Plus, there's no reason why Kate would deliberately avoid the funeral service for Hurley. "

Some guy mark posted in regards to the coffin...
"ITS BEN !! Jack was sad, because he felt guilty for taking them off the island. No body showed up because they all hated Ben" Boy, he does HAVE A POINT. ~Stephe
someone posted this...
"I dont know if someone has mentioned this but remember when jack told the other Dr to check his dad alcohol level....we all know jacks dad is dead.... someone help me understand this" Yeah, I was wondering about that!!!~Stephe
I'm more interested in what he said to Kate. "I hate lying, I can't stand lying anymore" I think they are lying about who they are so that they will not be found by whoever is after them. Otherwise Kate would be in custody. Thoughts?~Stephe
Another freaky thing to think about...
"The top picture with Jack touching the coffin is yet another flipped/inverted sceneThis show was called "Through the Looking Glass", things seen in a looking glass are usually opposite." Lots of people think the the guy in the coffin is Jack.~Stephe
Andrew just had a theory...

"I think I found something BIG!!!

I think Locke is Alice in Through the Looking glass.

Per wikipedia ::"Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), generally categorized as literary nonsense. It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, although it makes no reference to its events. In it, there are many mirror themes, including opposites, time running backwards, and so on.::"

Also the book is based on a chess match. Locke plays the computer in chess and beats it HOWEVER!!! per a Lost Trivia site ::"When Locke beats the chess game on the computer in the Flame station, the message on the screen says "checkmate". But on closer inspection, the game should have continued, due to it being only "check". :::"

In the BOOK Through the looking glass: :::"Most main characters met in the story are represented by a chess piece, with Alice herself being a pawn. However, the chess game described cannot be carried out legally due to a move where white doesn't move out of check (a list of moves is included - note that a young child might make this error due to inexperience).::::"

That can't be coincidance. Also, the book is about Alice (Locke) starting as a Pawn (he is a pawn in life) and moving all the way up in power to defeat the Red Queen. (The Red King is stationary throughout the book. JACOB??)

I'm almost positive that this story is in close relation to Through the Looking Glass.

Oh and the Looking GLass Dharma signal is a rabbit.

Read about through the looking glass and you will be blown away.

I totally just won at the internet. " Interesting ~Stephe


the mommy said...

Very interesting, very interesting Hmmmmmm gives me some things to think about...Thanks for posting this Stephe..

Kelley said...

I agree with Sophia's Mama..."hmmmmm..."

BTW, I tagged you for a "seven things about you" list. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a lot of great theories. I watch and wonder but not much more than that.

A Crystal Garden said...

I started watching lost last summer and have caught up on much of it. We were away on vacation when the new episode aired so I DVR'd it but it missed the ending. Glad I decided to check in on your blog today! Looking forward to the next episode.


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