Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Flight Home

Well, our flight home was memorable. Thanks Karen for the offer of a ride and Thank You Rizzo’s for letting me hang out later and catch a ride with you all!!! G and I made it to the airport in plenty of time. I was smart and took off all my bling and hair and G’s bling prior to security. LOL. (yes, I was sporting some fake hair for the girls that didn’t make it) We made it to our gate where G entertained the waiting passengers for an hour or so with her antics, sweetness and curiousity. I was elated that she’d finally come around. The SouthWest guy says I can board at A53 but didn’t have to get inline and that he would get me when our number was up. SouthWest no longer preboards families with small children. They board A then all families with a B,C or D number right after A’s. Okay, anyway…they start boarding a G pitches a full blown tantrum!!! It was so bad and I tried everything. Everyone was looking at me. The SW guy comes over to us and sweeps us onboard before they even begin boarding A group. The good thing is that I KNOW NO ONE WANTS TO SIT NEXT TO US. Which works out great because we only have a lap ticket. I put her in the middle seat and I’m on the end. I repeatedly tell her “sit DOWN”. Finally, I’ve had it and it my lowest and firmest voice say “SIT down”. She did it but in like 1 minute, the next passenger comes back, she jumps up in her seat, stomps her foot and a loudly as she possibly could in perfect English yells at him to “SIT DOWN!!!!” What could I do but giggle. He looks at me and sits down quickly. Me…still giggling. G did it for the next two passengers that passed us. The girl cracked me up…all I could do is laugh at her bad behavior! Anyway, I couldn’t have planned the seating arrangements any better! Thanks G. You’re my girl!


MacMui Mom said...

too funny!!! I love it when kids repeat things back to other people in regards what to do and what not to do.

Our Journey to Rachel said...

What a beautiful smile!

Sherry Crist

Peta-maree said...

That is soo funny. It is amazing how they do the repeat thing. Looks like you had a great trip. I love all the matching outfits on all the girls. It is amazing how fast they are all growing up and they all look soooo cute.

Missy said...

I just can't help but say that this is one of THE CUTEST BABY GIRLS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.

Goodness gracious.
Mercy me.

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