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Amelia Island Reunion

This weekend, on Amelia Island, was our first Precious Panda ECG Reunion with our BABIES. We've been waiting for this for some 3+ years for this particular weekend. First we had our Philly Reunion and then our Florida Fling with a few mini ones in between but none compare to this!!!

We've always heard that China makes the most PERFECT matches and now I think we are all BELIEVERS. What an AMAZING group of little girls. They are all very different and yet very much a like...and all very BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy their Beach Portrait! It's not bad considering none of them really wanted to be there, well, except Lily. She was a ham. Sending a big Thank You to Kathy, mama to Emma, who made these PRECIOUS matching pillowcase dresses for all the girls!!!

Miss you all already and hoping next years reunion is here before we know it!

While I was looking up the link to our Philly reunion I found this post that I made on October 5, 2006. How things change and how they stay the same...

"When a few of us East Coast Girls decided to get together, we never thought that so many would join us. (some from pretty far away) It became more than I ever imagined it would be! I knew that I was creating bonds with a bunch of great girls (women, but I like to say girls) that I've been chatting with online. I just didn't realize how truely amazing each and every one was until I spent this weekend with them. We all had a story and a different perspective. Different but the same. Our Children from China will be our bond and I see all of us growing old together. It was a weekend with lots of touring, shopping, eating, and drinking. But in the end, what I'll remember the most was all of the fun, laughter, craziness, sharing, and tears. Thank you to all of you that came from near and far! This was just the BEST WEEKEND! I miss you all!!!!!"

So, here's to our FRIENDSHIP and it forever being a constant in our lives!


Lori said...

Stephe ...you post made me cry tears of joy. I cannot tell you how much all of our friendships mean to me. I'm sure you know. We all know. We are so lucky to have found each other. I cannot wait for next years reunion! Miss you ....Lori**

sierrasmom said...

Looks like a blast. The girls are beautiful. Are there any from NY?

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous photo, great post! I wish I had been there to meet all the girls and introduce you to Sawyer -- hopefully, we'll make the next one!

the mommy said...

Stephe, WOW! that made me cry. It is so amazing the bond that we have formed. I just posted on Rhonda's blog that it was like our families grew by more then one child when we started this adoption. Each of you and each of your children are part of me and my family now and i cherish your friendship always..


park it said...

ok, please share how the dresses were made - love them - and what a great pic!
Carol in FL

Wanda, Geoff and Lexi said...

Stephe..... just beautiful... your thoughts, our girls,... our girls!

We are all blessed!
much love, wanda

Evelyn said...

Beautiful words...when we started this journey we thought we would grow by 1, and we have multiplied that with the wonderful families that have become part of our lives through this amazing journey.
Thank you for being a part of that!

Lisa~~ said...

Just adorable!!

Alyson and Ford said...

We are Precious Pandas too, but couldn't attend any of the past EC get togethers.
We live just a few miles south of Amelia Island; wish we could have met many of you as we have followed your journeys for the three long "waiting" years.
The photos are wonderful. So happy for everyone!

Alyzabeth's Mommy for Nine Months
LID 01/27/06

Lori said...

BTW ...I just love the way G's bows match her ribbons and the way her little pig tails stand up so straight.


Sandra said...

Precious photos of girls with a lifetime connection. Your words are awesome!

Deirdre said...

love your story.

please tell us where you got those dresses. Did one person make them all? I love Pillowcase dresses.

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