Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Hi, I need everyones input on this one. I am looking for something very special that Giorgia and I can do to honor her birthmother. Can you please post your thoughts/ideas on this, whatever they maybe. Thanks. Stephe


Erin said...

Maybe an annual donation on G's birthday to "The Half the Sky" foundation? Or planting some kind of annual flower or tree each year in your yard?

Eliza2006 said...

We haven't really done much of anything and I don't know that we will unless Eliza initiates something in the future. As a side note, Eliza is MUCH more interested in her birth father at this point, so I would say if you come up with something for birth mother celebration, maybe consider her birth father as well.

TK said...

I've heard some people let a balloon go with a note attached each year. Others light a special candle on special days (Mother's day, child's bday)/

Anonymous said...

I bought a beautiful carved wooden box in China. Each year I am going to have Chloe make her a Mother's Day card (when she is old enough to understand). We are going to save them in the box along with photos and anything else she wants to save. Just in case that one day we do find her.


the mommy said...

Stephe as you know we plan to celabrate this year at the beach and I am sure we will do the same in years to come. We are planning on floating two white roses in the water one for Sophia's birth mother and the other for her foster mother. I want to acknowladge that she had 2 other mothers before me. I like the idea of also planting a tree or a flower and honoring her birth father also...

Peta-maree said...

I know that mine is a little bit different but my sons family planted a tree for me and every year they have breakfast under the tree.

Trudi said...

I also think it is important to honor both her birth parents - but not too dramatically. I worry it could make her insecure or rebellious if there is TOO much emphasis. But something simple like lighting a special candle for each of them (on Giorgia's birthday) that you keep out that day and then put away til next year would be beautiful and honoring.

Wendy said...

We honor both parents by releasing a white balloon with a note written on it to them about Catherine. We release it on her birthday.

park it said...

We donate to Half the Sky for Mothers day

Truly Blessed said...

We plant a special flower - it could be a different type every year, but always an annual (we chose irises for the last two years).

I also like the idea of planting a bush or tree -- but if you ever move, it stays with the house!

Also, I had planned on writing a letter each year, but haven't done so. Maybe later...

DBW said...

When we say our nighttime prayers, on Fridays we pray for Frances' birthparents.

sierrasmom said...

I wanted to wish you a very special Mother's Day! Enjoy!!!!

Diane said...

Hi Stephe,

Happy Mother's Day! I like the lighting of special candles on her birthday and on Mother's Day. I finally got Julia's blog going with a lot of help from Donna. www.Julia'shome4ever.blogspot.com

Have a Great Day.

NorasMommy said...

I've been trying to figure this our also - feels like we should do something both on Nora's birthday and on Mother's Day, but I still haven't figured out what that should be.

Before Nora's birthday I asked our agency if they knew of some charity that benefitted women in China (something that would help more mothers be able to keep their babies), but they didn't have any suggestions for me.

I'll be interested in what you and Giorgia decide to do. Have a wonderful first Mother's Day!

Jennifer K

Alyson and Ford said...

We light a candle the day before Mother's Day so that she honors her first (and I get Mother's Day with her - is that too selfish?). We light candles for those in our family who have passed, so AA's birth Mother (not known if alive or not) will have a candle lit.
Happy Mother's Day!

Alyzabeth's Mommy

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