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Reality of Mother's Day

The reality of Mother's Day was much harder on G than the reinactment photo you all first saw. I wanted to post that one so that everyone knew that she was now fixed up and a content little girl. These photos I took with my cell phone in the ER. This is the reality...

G in the ER waiting room. We waited for almost 1 hour. (no she is not asleep, I wouldn't allow it)

This is the photo that is hard to look at. Not because of the Gash but the expression on her face. At this point we were in and the doctor had just removed all the bandages. He was great but she became very agitated once the nurse and doc were in the room. Before they stitched her up they left the room and that is when this photo was taken. Poor Baby. Good Note: the second they finished she was GOOD TO GO AND CONTENT!!!

I told you this last photo was a tough one. The reality is HAVE A PLAN. Know how to react in certain emergency situation, think about shutting that stove off before you leave, think about grabbing that insurance card, stocked diaper bag that's ready to go, and having a fully stocked first aid kit and HAVE A PLAN. I stood there for about 30 seconds holding towels & pressure to G's head while trying to figure out the logistics of what to do. Thank God I'm comfortable with blood and gore. Anyway, I assesed the situation and believed an Ambulance was not necessary. Once I got the blood to start clotting, I cleaned the wound with an antiseptic wipe that I had in my kit, applied gauze and wrapped her head up tight. I need pressure to the wound as I drove to the ER. Those of you that have someone available to go with you could have sat back with the child and held pressure themselves...I did not have that luxury. Anyway, doc said I did everything right! Wish I could have prevented it in the first place but these things are going to happen....just, please...HAVE A PLAN! (cause it can be scary especially when there is THAT MUCH BLOOD!)


Donna said...

You can never be too prepared! The most important thing is to stay calm and THINK. You'd be surprised how many people can't do either of those things in an emergency!

I hope your first Mommy's Day had some fun moments too!

Our blog: Double Happiness!

dimplesanddumplings said...

Stephe, this is awesome advice!!! You handled the situation like a PRO. Glad Giorgia is on the mend -- happy Mother's Day! :)

Nina said...

How scary!! Glad everything turned out okay. Congratulations on your first Mother's Day!

sierrasmom said...

Oh Stephe, I'm so sorry. My middle son Paul's favorite story to tell people is how he made me spend 4 hours in the emergency room getting stiches on Mother's Day. Anyway it sounds like you did everything exactly right!!! And you are right if a kid lives a normal life, they are going to get hurt. There is no way around it!!!!

Alyson and Ford said...

So sorry! Glad she is on the mend and your frightful experience is over! Glad you responded and she will be fine!
Happy Mother's Day! (belated)

ALyzabeth's Mommy

Kathy said...

OUCH! Poor little G. I hope that it wasn't to tramatic for her. A Mother's Day to remember for sure. Happy first Mother's day Stephe.
Great job in handeling it Steph.

the mommy said...

Stephe you did a great job and I am sure G is on the mend by now. give her extra hugs and kises from her auntie Susan

Diane and John said...


I am so glad that Georgia is okay....Sounds as if you did all the right things!! Happy Belated Mother's Day.

A Crystal Garden said...

OUCH!! Sounds like she is breaking you in proper!

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