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Most Worthless Baby Item?

Some of my commenters think this is MY LIST of worthless baby items...it is NOT. I just thought it was interesting. FYI, I have a wipe warmer, diaper stacker, diaper dekor, baby robes, formula dispensers and I'm using a dresser as a make shift changing table. But hey, that's for all the cool tips and comments:) Stephe

I was checking out one of my favorite blogs, Baby Cheapskate today and I found a great topic...Most Worthless Baby Item? Go there to read the whole article and comments.

Here is the cliff notes of the Most Worthless Baby Items:
Wipe Warmer
Bottle Warmer
Formula Pitchers
Diaper Stackers
Doorway Jumper (although my friends little one LOVED hers)
Shopping Cart Cover
Diaper Genie
Burb Cloths
Sleep Positions
Crib Bumpers
Formula Mixer
4oz Bottles
Bottle Sterilizer
Baby Bath sets with the robes, towels, booties
Moses Basket
Traveling Formula Dispensers... premeasure into little zip-loc baggies
Expensive Video Monitors
Stuffed Animals!!! WORST GIFT EVER
Bumbo Seat
Changing Table (use floor, bed, dresser)
Shoes for Babies or Infants

I'm not saying don't get these or you don't need these but these products were deemed the most useless by a whole mess of moms! Food for thought!


Brandi said...

I agree with quite a few items on the list (wipe warmer, bottle sterilizer, changing table, sleep positioners...just to name a few). Some things just aren't worth the money (my opinion only, of course) :)

Unknown said...

Great post,another one I will have to save!

COngrats on being out of review

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I would agree with most of those. Tho there is something itsy bitsy babish about the oz bottles. You use them for such a short time, but they do represent having a tiny one in your home.

My son had severe reflux, we used tons of burp clothes. Now I use them as rags and each time I pull one out it brings back fond baby memories.

mskajlc said...

I love my changing table! Lia has been out of diapers for a year and I still use it. Its easier on my back for getting her dressed and brushing her hair.

Anonymous said...

I would say that I love my diaper genie, you can't have too many burp cloths, and the bumper pad seemed necessary to me since my daughter slept with her head right up next to the rails. The bathrobes and shoes I agree with!

Anonymous said...

Interesting list - and no doubt very controversial with other moms who swear by some of these items. I've used several of these items over and over and over again for my little ones. Burp cloths are indispensable when you have a child with reflux. Many of the items listed are for newborns and do help a lot, but obviously you wouldn't need them for very long. However, I wouldn't go without my Bumbo seat, formula pitcher, bottle warmer, 4 oz bottles, traveling formula dispenser - way "Greener" than using ziploc baggies, changing table (remember babies pee & poo when you are changing them - wipe away surfaces are better than the bed or carpet), wipe warmers are good for newborns who do not want to be cold - ever. I would do what you want to do - and not let a list of a "mess of moms" make the decision for you. You'll be a great mom! Just remember what's right for some may not be for you - do what makes your life easier...and your baby happiest.

NorasMommy said...

I have to say that I like 4 oz bottles for water on the go. :)

We didn't get a diaper genie because I'd heard mixed reviews, but we did get this thing http://www.diaperdekor.com/diaperdekor.htm because our regular waste basket wasn't large enough and didn't control the smell well enough. It's only been 4 days and we've only changed it once, but so far so good. Rob even put a poopy one in it yesterday and we couldn't smell it!

Paula said...

Have to disagree with the shopping cart cover. I think they're good because both of my kiddos loved to try to suck on the cart handle - yuck!!!!

Alyson and Ford said...

Thanks for the list. We haven't purchased many items as we don't know the age of our daughter (no chance of an infant with our ages!). So I will keep these in mind. Thanks!

Alyson LID 01/27/06

Anonymous said...

I would disagree big time with the travel formula dispenser. It was so helpful in China because I could measure out three bottles worth of formula and easily dump the formula into the bottle no mess. Ziploc bags could be a disaster on a moving bus and you will be on a few of those with your baby in China! Best wishes as you get closer to referral!

mskajlc said...

I have to second the shopping cart cover. I have one and never really used it until Lia came down with a virus called Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Since she isnt in daycare the doctor said she most likely picked it up from a shopping cart. I use the cover faithfully now!I also carry Lysol wipes and wipe down the handle of the cart before I put the cover on. HFMD was awful!

Anonymous said...

You HAVE to have a Diaper Genie! Your house will reek if you don't. Also, burp rags (I used cloth diapers) were a must have. And you can use them for actual diapers when your little one has a bad rash. After a few years they make great dusting rags as well.


Shannon said...

What diverse opinions everyone has! Good to gnaw on though! I know some of the Occupational THerapists I work with like the Bumbo but you really have to make sure that the baby is ready for it. As you said, food for thought!

Gail said...

I agree with pretty much everything she posted except the changing table. I love mine.
Used it for both girls.

slim4life said...

I LOVED MY CHANGING TABLE - I would not even consider doing without one. Ditto crib bumper pads. And, the stuffed prayer bunny was one of my daughter's favorite things, tho I do wish people would stop giving us stuffed animals... unless they're horses. The girls have been playing with stuffed horses for the past hour. LOL!! The traveling formula dispenser was convenient and easy to measure in to (more so than a plastic bag) - plus it was great for treats when the kids were older. Everything else on the list is pretty much spot on. The diaper genie is DISGUSTING - I vote for the diaper champ and those little blue bags to put the poopy diapers in - these stop the odor immediately, then when you have a spare moment you can carry the bag to the outside garbage can - poop in the baby's room is not something I could deal with.


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