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Need Help/Got Questions!!!!

I think I know the answers to all of these but do not know for sure...never BTDT. I am looking for anyone that has first hand knowledge or educated guesses for these questions!! Pretty please!!
Were you requested to return your child’s “gotcha outfit”? If so, can you return a new set of clothing instead?

Did your childs SWI also home elderly?

Does the government pay the SWI to get the babies paper ready?

If you are a Chinese citizen, do you get free medical/ hospital visits, etc.?

If your child gets sick after gotcha, who pays for the doctor/hospital visits?

Can you submit to insurance company once home if you had to pay?

If you have to pay, what are the costs(guestimate) of visits or hospital?
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!


NorasMommy said...

I think our insurance covers from the time that the adoption is final in China. Before that, I'm not sure. I'm very interested in the answer to this ...

Obviously I'll do whatever our daughter needs, but it would be really nice not to have to figure everything out in a moment of crisis!

~Jennifer K

Kim said...

Hiya Stephe

We were not requested to return Maddie's clothes. But when I went to visit the SWI, I did drop off clothes as a gift.

Her SWI does also have elderly residents.

Our insurance covers the child immediately once she is adopted. We didn't have to take her to the hospital (although our agency had a Dr visit each child in our hotel rooms the day we met her. She did offer some medicines which we paid for ourselves (not expensive at all).

I also made use of the Dr at the White Swan for myself as I had gotten sick while in China. They had prescribed some medicines and I took a breathing treatment for my sore throat and paid out of pocket (again, not expensive) I didn't bother trying to get reimbursed for any of it.


Gail said...

I got to keep my daughter's gotcha day clothes.

Yes my dgt's SWI did house elderly.

I don't think they get free medical care because I saw a documentary on how the Chinese have to pay cash before the hospital will give care.
In fact one father abandoned his child in the hospital so the child could get care.

Your medical insurance covers your child from adoption day.
Once you sign the adoption papers you are responsible for anything after that.

Not sure how/what to do if care was needed in another country.
I can't answer that one. Sorry.
Not sure about costs either.
I have heard about some families that needed to visit the clinic with a sick child, but never heard about the cost.
I am figuring you could try and submit the medical bills if needed, once home because your dgt. will be covered from day of adoption.
Hopefully you will not have to worry about this while in China.

mskajlc said...

Our guide told us we could either return her "gotcha" outfit or bring a replacement set the next day when we went back to make the adoption official. We chose to keep the "gotcha" clothes (which now hang proudly in a shadow box) and gave the SWI 7 outfits in return. Clothing is VERY cheap in China and your $$ goes a long way.

Lia's SWI also had elderly living there. I have a picture of her with an older gentleman that she referred to as "Grandpa" in Chinese.

Once the adoption is finalized all expenses for medical are on you. It depends on what insurance you if they will reimburse you or not.

Paula said...

I sent a care package with a dress in it. I hadn't expected to get it back but Jess was wearing it when we got her (in addition to pj's, tights, socks, shoes, and a winter coat). I'm not sure whether there were elderly at her SWI. We visited 2 floors and there weren't any on those floors. I don't think Chinese get free doctors visits. Our guide said one of the main reasons for abandonment was if a child had an illness or problem and they couldn't afford the care. She said that she worked for the government so she had good insurance but many people have none. Our son who came with us had to see the doctor at the White Swan; it cost about $10 US so I didn't bother trying to get reimbursement.

Anonymous said...

Were you requested to return your child’s “gotcha outfit”? If so, can you return a new set of clothing instead? We were not told to bring anything nor were we requested to return anything.

Did your childs SWI also home elderly? Our SWI only housed elderly. The children were in foster care.

Does the government pay the SWI to get the babies paper ready? Don't know.

If you are a Chinese citizen, do you get free medical/ hospital visits, etc.? don't know

If your child gets sick after gotcha, who pays for the doctor/hospital visits? YOU do.

Can you submit to insurance company once home if you had to pay? I have been told absolutely you can. Our insurance coverage begins at the moment of placement,so, any medical expenses from that date are most likely eligible.

If you have to pay, what are the costs(guestimate) of visits or hospital? In China. Cheap.

Hope that helps.

A Crystal Garden said...

We got to keep her clothes and were not asked for others.

Yes, elderly lived in two other buildings at the SWI

Don't Know

I would have to say no, but not sure. If it were all free why would LWB have to raise funds for treatments?

You will pay after Gotcha. Although we did visit the hotel Dr and did not have to pay anything.

Yes, you can, coverage begins as soon as the adoption is final. I added our daughter before we left and was told all I had to do was send in the paperwork after we got back. If it had happened it would all be billed out of network of course.

Again, we did visit the hotel Dr and it was free. Our guide said it would be a small fee but we were not charged.

Hope that helps!

TK said...

We were not asked to give the gotcha day outfit back. We did send clothing later to the orphanage. You could give them some while there as it is very inexpensive. Sometimes if you send clothing in a care package, your child will be dressed in that. I didn't want that, as I wanted my daughter in something that the swi dressed her in.

Our daughter's swi did not have elderly. Although I hear some do.

I believe Chinese have to pay out of pocket. I am not sure on that one. I would think this is why a lot of children, born with medical needs, are abandoned. So they can get proper medical care.

Our daughter was covered under our insurance on adoption day. Once we had the exact day, we filed our paperwork with our insurance agency with info ahead of time with the day of adoption listed. When we were in China, we did have to take our daughter to the Whtie Swan clinic. She was treated for ear infection and boils for two days and given meds (ear drops). We already had an antibiotic. Total visit cost about $30 US and the next day we were to come back was no charge, since we had already paid. We could have submitted this to insurance, but didn't. Wasn't worth the hassle. I still have the receipt though.
Medical costs are inexpensive there.

Kristin said...


We were not asked to return Eva's outfit from gotcha, but we were asked to donate one to take it's place... I brought along several outfits in a variety of sizes.

Yes, our SWI was also a home for elderly (Guixi, Jiangxi Province)

I don't know...

I believe this depends on your agency and what the provide in terms of your travel.


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