Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Symptoms and signs of attachment disorder:

Lack of eye contact
Preference for strangers over mom
Turning away from affection
Cries; miserable all the time;
chronically fussy
Resists comforting or nurturance
Resists or dislikes being held
Poor eye contact or avoids eye contact
Flat, lifeless affect (too quiet)
Rarely cries (overly good baby)
Angry or rageful when cries
Exceedingly demanding
Looks sad or empty-eyed
Wants to hold the bottle as soon as possible
Stiffens or becomes rigid when held
Prefers being held with back toward mother
Does not hold on when held
When held chest to chest, faces away
Does not return or reciprocate hugs or check in with mom
Generally unresponsive to parent
Cries or rages when held beyond his wishes
Overly independent play or makes no demands
Little or reduced verbal responsiveness
Does not return smiles
Shows very little imitative behavior
Physically restless when sleeping
Does not react to pain (high pain tolerance)


Nina said...

These are excellent posts! I would add that another sign of attachment disorder is "indiscriminate attachment", when the child is open and friendly to everyone, and does not form primary attachments to parents or other caregivers.

Thanks for posting this important information.

(licensed psychotherapist as well as waiting mom)

Suzie said...

Thank you so much Steph! This will be really helpful in explaining things to my family.

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