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Common Foods That Should Wait Until Baby Is A Certain Age

Honey - After 1 year
(not an allergen but may cause botulism in infants under 1yr old)

Peanut Butter - After 1 or 2 years

(Tree) Nuts - After 1 or 2 years
also may pose a choking hazard

Citrus Fruits - After 1 year
(not an allergen but may cause rash & digestive upset due to acidity. Using a dash of lemon juice in a whole fruit puree is NOT the same as giving a baby pureed or sliced oranges, pineapple et al.)

Strawberries - After 1 year

Corn - After 1 year
(possible allergen and not very nutrient rich)

Egg Whites - After 1 year
(many pediatricians will say it is fine for an older infant to have baked goods that include eggs)

Whole Milk - After 1 year
(lactose and milk proteins may cause allergic reactions and may also cause tummy troubles as they are hard to digest - yogurt and cheese are exceptions - see below. Milk also hinders proper absorption of iron; iron is crucial during the 1st yr.!)

Wheat - After 9-10 months or 1 year
(Many suggest that for the infant who has had no issues with gluten in Oats and/or Barley, and who has no history of wheat allergy or gluten intolerance, that offering wheat products (such as wheat toast) is fine around 8+ months - Read more at our topic The Confusion Over Wheat)

Grapes - After 10 months or 1 year
(not a high allergen but may pose a choking hazard - use extreme caution if offering your older infant or toddler grapes)

Chocolate - After 1 year - if at all

Never give a child under the age of 2yrs low fat or skim milk products; whole milk is necessary.

Always serve cooked with no pink areas – NEVER give a small baby/child raw meat or fish

Always serve cooked until after 12 months old or when baby can chew well enough so that no choking hazard is present. I.E. Shredded raw carrots, small cut up pieces of celery, pepper etc..

CONSTIPATION – Common Causes
Introduction of solid food(s)
- breastfed babies tend to be more prone to constipation when solid foods are introduced.
Diets low in fiber
Diets of excessive dairy products (yogurt, cheeses, milk)
Foods such as Bananas, Applesauce, Cereals, Breads, Pasta and White Potatoes may contribute or cause constipation

CONSTIPATION – Suggestions

Tummy Massage -
Gently massage and rub baby's tummy in a clockwise direction. Place your hands at baby's navel and massage in a circular motion, moving your hand(s) out and away from the center of baby's belly.

Warm Bath - Some medical professionals suggest giving your constipated baby a warm bath. The thought is that this may help relax baby and "get things moving" again. Give a tummy massage as you are drying baby.

Bicycle Legs - Place your baby on her back and lightly hold her legs in a half-bent position. Gently begin to move your baby's legs as if she is riding a bicycle. Alternate "Bicycle Legs" with Tummy Massage. *"Bicycle Legs" also may help to relieve a baby who is gassy.


Recall the BRAT diet for treatment of diarrhea in infants - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. An easy and natural way to remember how to alleviate baby's constipation is to cut out the foods that contribute to it - rice cereals, bananas, and applesauce. If you ever forget which foods to cut out, remember BRAT!


Joannah said...

Good to know!

Anonymous said...

Stephie, you are sooooo ready to be a mommy! This is great information to have at hand.

Julie said...

Wow, good info! My ped said to cut grapes and hot dogs in half to prevent choking. Also, no raisins or nuts until 4 years old.

Sara said...

Great info! Thanks!

Nina said...

Thanks so much for posting this!! Very helpful!

Anonymous said...

Thaks Stephe this is really good info.

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