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Ears Pierced

Anyway, for all my bloggy readers...OMG, I forgot to tell you I got G’s ears pierced two weeks ago. Easy Peezy. Got it done at the piercing pagoda in the mall. Two young girls did it but they did a few before G and I was totally confident in their abilities. They wore gloves and the piercing things were individual and in a sealed sterilized bag that they tore open. They marked her holes and asked my approval. I had them change one and that was no problem. They are perfectly centered but now I’m thinking perfectly centered only looks great from the side. Hmmm. Okay, anyway, I sat in the chair with G (ready to enforce the death grip) as my mom took photos. The girls hid the piercing things so G never saw them and on the count of three I did the death grip on her arms and head and they pierced simultaneously. Literally not even a full second and it was done. G didn’t cry at that second but when I eased my grip she cried. I’d say…for about 20 seconds and then all was good with the world! Gami cried more than G! Now she’s Ghetto Fabulous in her Bling Earrings!! Just like her mama! No doubt she’s my girl!!!

Fearless... "NEEDLES DON'T SCARE ME!!"

Okay, if you stand on the side that a parent should not pierce their child's ears PLEASE DON'T POST A COMMENT. For those of you who believe that it should be a child's decision to do anything to their body that is asthetic not the parents yet believe in circumcision... well... they have a word for that...


Deb said...

So I'll be the first to leave a comment -- you're the Mom and can choose/determine some of G's milestones with ear piercing being one of them. I think she does look super cute with them! However, the rule in my house is that Aiden can get hers pierced when I feel she will be responsible enough to take care of the piercing and can keep track of her earrings. So she might be 7 or she might be 13 before they get pierced. But it's definitely an individual decision.

Diane said...

G looks adorable with her new BLING!

Evelyn said...

Love it! Look I'm an adult, and I still can't keep track of my earrings. And really they don't even know they are there. She looks adorable!

Kim said...

Toooo CUTE..
Love it....

Our Journey to Rachel said...

I pierced Rachel's at 15 months and I'm thrilled I did it! A bald baby girl needed earrings! LOL! I got tired of people asking whether she was a girl or boy, even with pink! Anyway, everything was done in a matter of 10 seconds including the crying! We had to go a second time to pierce one of her ears becasue one got infected from a fall that createda big bump on the back of her ear. G looks adorable!


Unknown said...

I think they look adorable, I had Devyn's done for her 7 year gotcha-day present and Delaney for her 5th. Devyn is now 12 and doesn't wear them any more, but Delaney is 8 and never leaves home with out them! Congragulations (now she will be wanting a tattoo!) I have always teased them I was going to tattoo their bum with "made in China" LOL
Marcelyn in Portland, OR
PS, I love your blog.

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