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nag-less morning routine

So, I found this post this morning while surfing the net and it was intriguing.

“Every morning my mom officially declares war on: the alarm clock, then my sister, then my dad and then the toaster. You never know what to expect during my family’s get-ready-for-school-routine and the only ‘routine’ thing about it is that it usually involves a lot of yelling and nagging."

"We actually miraculously managed to stop this terrible cycle by adding a few simple ‘parent hacks’ and I wanted to share them so you too can save your relationships, your day and your voice (if you are anything like my mom)”

So, these are the tips she recommends. This is my cliff notes version. See full version here.

Nightly Routine: Do everything you can possibly do the night before to help those early mornings!

Launching Pad: Create a space where all stuff will be placed at night and waiting to go in the morning.

Checklist: Make a Large Print Laminated Checklist to put at the launching pad with what everyone should have before they leave. An example she gave was:

___Water bottle
___Lunch box
___Softball bag
___PE class bathing suit
___PE class towel
___(SAT Book- if you have tutoring)

Kitchen Timer System: Use a timer and figure out how much time it take to get completely ready and out the door. If the kids can do it faster, they can adjust their wake up time! If they are late, the next morning they had to wake up earlier.

Check out her site, she's got lots of good stuff. Go

1 comment:

mskajlc said...

I absolutely agree 100% with this list! We went from chaos and screaming to quiet and never late in the AM because of a routine. I swear by it! The only thing different is that we do the checklist the night before. Backpacks packed right after homework is done and if there is anything else needed (gym clothes etc) they must let me know at that point. I dont have them walking out the door in the AM saying "I dont have ___". I have used a routine for years and it really does work to keep the AM peace!

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