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How to Stay Calm...

How To Stay Calm When Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying

It’s the middle of the night (or the middle of the day) and your baby just won’t stop crying. You’ve pulled out all the tricks to try and calm baby down (rocking, checking the diaper, feeding, burping, making baby comfortable, playing soothing music, etc…) but none of them are working. It’s during these moments when it’s easy to snap and lose it. These crying bouts do take a toll on the mother and can make you anxious.

So, what can mothers do to stay calm during these stressful moments? Here are five helpful hints that you can do to stay calm:

Keep your perspective. Babies cry and this doesn’t mean that you’re failing as a mother. Sometimes, they just need to cry and there is nothing you can do but ride it out. Don’t blow the situation out of proportion.
Relax. Babies can sense if you’re tense. Take a deep breath, count to ten, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the Caribbean soaking up the sun, listen to music, or think of something that makes you laugh.
Ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help. Sometimes a five minute break from the situation is all you need to gain your composure. Let your spouse, another family member, or friend take over.
Take a walk. Put your baby in a stroller and get outside. Work out your stress.
Express yourself. Sometimes it just helps to speak out loud what your feeling. We’re not suggesting you yell at your baby, but, rather, call a friend to vent or talk to yourself.

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