Not a fan of the character clothing but my plan was for her to wear a sweater to hide the character.
I really LOVE the colors of the skirt!!!
I can see 16 coming WAY to soon!!
My baby brought me over pancakes as a welcome present! They were hard and tasted like plastic not to mention blue but I said they were yummy!
"I DO IT!!!!!!!!!!" My girl doesn't mind a rear-facing carseat but DON'T help her out!!
So far, so good. Gami gave her that dress at my shower and her Aunt Christie gave her the sparkly sneakers!
Well, she loves her mommy this morning!!
Self/us portraits are kinda hard to do!
Now THIS is the look that I've grown to know and LOVE. I'm hoping it's an AGE thing!!!
READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit...
Our 2010 Reunion was AMAZING! Kathy & Erik opened up their home in New Hampshire to host our annual gathering this year! There was swimming, a bouncy house, swing sets, kiddie pools, presents, fairy outfits, tutu's, good food, good drinks and GREAT FRIENDS!!!!
I will post LOTS more photos as soon as I have time!!!
Okay, I'm DONE! I know, my two minutes are up! (Most of all our blog photos are taken in the morning before daycare. I have two minutes while the car warms up to get what I can or a minute or two in the school parking lot!)