For all those waiting parents that know that they are going straight to Guangzhou for Gotcha day...PACK LIGHT!! Trust me! The moment you arrive in Guangzhou at your hotel, get your guide to give you the hotel business card and write Carrefour on it. Jump in a taxi and go there. It is usually 11 to 12 yuan which is about $2, each way.
I had heard through my internet groups that this is the place to go and that they have everything! So, I gather up a bunch of families and lead them there. When we got out of the taxi there is this large building and I assume this is the Carrefour! There is a sign for Carrefour but this is a pricey mall. I was confused and thought that I must have misunderstood ALL those people online. We exit the mall and there is the sign for Carrefour and I'm just dumb-founded. Then, thanks to Karen, she notices another entrance. Just to the left of the main mall enterance is the "right" entrance. Carrefour is an underground market below the mall. Two stories beneath the mall to be exact. It's HUGE, and crazy! I LOVED IT!!!!! (go to green arrow entrance, not red arrow mall) Hey, it was dark and I was excited!! My bad. LOL.

They have EVERYTHING! Come to find out you are not supposed to take photos!! Oops, I took a bunch that show the prices of everything. Prices are in YUAN. How much in US dollars??? all depends on the current exchange rate. We just divided by six for a guestimate. Check out the photos here of a bunch of items you might find useful for your little ones.
Hi, I have been following your blog for a while now and I think that you have a gorgeous girl, a cute dog and a very interesting and complete blog. At the moment Im creating a blog what is called " Getting ready for our journey to China" and I would like to ask your permission to use some of your photos here. I think they will be very useful for parents to get an idea of what will find in a Chinesse supermarket.
As Spanish my blog is in Spanish too but you can check it if you like because it has a translator.
Iwill wait for your answer.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing this!
Keep smilin!
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