Fingers crossed. G is finally sleeping at night. Here is what worked for me. (so far, so good...only time will tell)
I give her a bath at night with the Lavender Bath wash, then I feed her oatmeal, prunes and a bottle, then brush her teeth. We then go into her room and turn off the lights, turn on her Chinese Lullabies CD, and then her Munchkin crib sound maker. I put her in the crib and she goes right down. Not a peep or anything! I am no longer sleeping in her room. I felt that in China she needed to see me because she would keep waking up the night and just check to make sure I was there. So, this made me believe that I should be sleeping in her room. Ironically, this is not what she needs now. So, for the third night in a row she has been sleeping soundly, by herself, in her own room. I hope and pray this's really working for me!!! :)
Chinese Lullabies

Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light (and sound maker)
The sound is just like the sound of mom's heartbeat that you hear in an ultrasound. The sound stops after about 10 minutes - plenty of time for her to drift back off to sleep. 

We used the same CD at first with my daughter. We had to take it with us anytime we went on a trip or she could not fall asleep.
After a while though, it seemed like it bothered her to hear the Chinese voices, so we switched to another CD with only music and she still likes it to this day at age 4 1/2. She usually needs the CD or some noise in the background to go to sleep. If it gets too quiet during the night she comes looking for us.
Hooray!!! So glad you found something that works!! LL listened to that album every night for her first year home... altho she always went to bed easily (not to SLEEP, you understand, tho!). Love the songs on it!! CONGRATULATIONS, Mommy!!!
Love this CD, I even downloaded it to my Ipod, and used to listen to it myself when going to sleep. So glad she's doing well.
Happy to hear you've had 3 good nights! What a blessing this is for mommy to catch up on some of her sleep.
Thanks for the reminder about that CD. Heard about it a couple of years ago and didn't get it but followed your link and ordered it today.
Here's to many more sleepy nights! glad to hear you found what works for her!!! You just never know what thing or combination of things will do the trick.
Blessings to you both...and happy sleeping!!!
This is very close to the routine we ended up using with JJ.
Congratulations on learning what your baby needed! oh - and congrats on a full nights sleep
This is very close to the routine we ended up using with JJ.
Congratulations on learning what your baby needed! oh - and congrats on a full nights sleep
Woohooo that's GREAT news!!!
Wishing you both many more peaceful nights :))
YAY! Glad you found a routine that works! (My oldest loved that CD!)
WOW! Stephe, That's wonderful that you have her sleeping so well already. Sounds like you have a really nice bedtime routine. we have that CD and love it too.
We have listened to this CD every night since we got Sophia. I downloaded it to our I-pod before going to China and now it is the most played song on our i-pod LOL
Glad you are finding your stride..
Thanks for the advise...and Congrats on more sleep! Yeah!
Woo Hooo !!!!!
Great news on the sleep front.
BTW, our YD girl never wanted to co-sleep or have Daddy or me sleep in her room with her, and the room has to be COMPLETELY dark - no night light for this one!
She's had to get used to sharing her room with her little sister, and that is going okay.
yeah, glad she's sleeping! my Katie slept in her crib with no problems (with our poodle curled up on the floor guarding her!) once we got used to a nightly routine. Glad you found one that works. And love that CD, we used that one too. Now we've moved up to Disney 'Luv-a-byes'.
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