My girl loves her wipes. It's her security blanket.
She messes with her ears when she is tired.
She mostly sleeps very peacefully. (except last night. Oiy)
She's got those pouty lips.
and puppy dog eyes... The store keepers keep telling me her eyes are very beautiful, eyelids! Most Asian people don't have eyelids and it seems to be a recent boost in this surgery for the younger women. With or without eyelids, she has beautiful eyes!!!
Her lip keeps cracking. I don't know why but have been using Boudreaux's Baby Kisses and it is helping.
Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen?????
She may have an ear infection. Our daughter (from the same SWI) came to us pulling at her left ear and when we saw the pictures from the disposable camera we sent, she was always touching the same ear. She had a horrible ear infection.
If you got your camera/s back, have them printed at the photo shop on the island (and have the CD made of the images, too). Look for clues as to what she "likes" (unless, like our daughter's photos, they took her outside, plopped her on a blanket and snapped 27 pictures in about 2 minutes -- no clues there -- just a bewildered, ear-achey child!).
Anyway, try handing her a clean, dry washcloth. Some girls from our SWI are very attached to washcloths, I understand the nannies sometimes give them to the kids to play with and suck on.
Hope the lip gets better soon, that looks painful. If you have Aquaphor with you, try that -- it's awesome stuff!
So glad to see that you're doing well. Your little Georgia is just beautiful. I love all the pretty clothes that you are getting her. She will be the best dressed baby around.:)
Wow...excellent insight from Truly Blessed, above. I didn't think of that at first when I read your post but then again, my 15 month old does the same thing when she has an ear ache and sometimes it takes me several times seeing her do that before I remember it could be an ear infection. Mama Brain Drain, I always say!
I can see I have a horrible addiction brewing...checking in to see Giorgi every 5 minutes. She truly is gorgeous!
She is soooo, beautiful, Stephe!!! I LOVE checking your blog every morning!
FWIW, my first daughter (11 months old at adoption) rarely smiled while we were in China. I didn't realize it at the time because I got smiles sometimes in our room, but it's really obvious looking back at the photos. She wasn't sad, just very intent and serious. In hindsight, I can see it was part personality (she likes to hang back and size up new situations) and part stimulation overload (constant change in sights, sounds and people).
I agree with others that you might want to get Giorgia's ears checked out to rule out ear pain/discomfort.
That cracks me up that they actually say they like her "eyelids"! I have heard on the news about the eye surgery thing...ethier way, her eyes are beautiful and she is so cute!
I agree with the ladies above, rubbing the ear could be a sign of ear infection, but also Aiden did the same thing when she was tired. She'd start off rubbing her eyes and then her hands would slide to her ears and she'd rub them as if she was rubbing her eyes. My mother in law was always concerned it was an ear infection, but she just ended up rubbing her ears instead of her eyes when she was tired. But nonetheless, she's just so cute and precious!!
Yes - she is definitely the cutest thing I have ever seen...(until I see my own daughter!) :) She is a very beautiful little girl. Start planning now how you will keep the boys away!
agree with the ear infection. Although our daughter didn't mess with her ear, she did have an ear infection. She just would not eat and was throwing up. We took her to the White Swan doctor. She cleaned her ears out real well with peroxide and treated with two types of drops. We started her on the antibiotics we brought from home (per WS dr's orders). We also took her back the second day for ear cleaning and more meds on the boils on her scalp. The drops we were given and continued to use on our trip. She was fine on the trip home. Do not want ear infection on the plane! Our daughter got attached to just the plain, white cloth diaper. It was a single ply. She used those until about 6 months ago. Now she is attached to dad's shirt. Love seeing her pics. Such a cutie!
Just a thought, Is she stuffed up and maybe mouth breathing making her lips dry?
I love your shopping purchases! And the videos. Looks like you are having so much fun! Thank you for posting so much, It has been so fun to watch your dream come true :)
I'm a single mom with an amazing daughter! It all started when I decided I was tired of waiting to be a mom. In my search to find a little girl who needed a mommy I was led to the China International Adoption program. I actually started the process in 2005, got my paperwork to China on 1/13/06. China accepted my paperwork and gave an LID of 2/18/06. After waiting 33 months, I finally received my referral on 11/5/08 for the most beautiful baby in the world. She spent her first 11 months in Southern China just above the South China Sea and now she is home with her mama!! I hope you enjoy reading & looking at my blog as much as I enjoyed creating it. During the wait I was a research junkie for all thing IA so please check out all the links in the sidebar under "Find it Here" will show you the posts pertaining to that category. Best wishes to all. Stephe
Very Very Very Cute.
From Spain, a girl with mom Yangdong.
She is very cute! Beautiful! Adorable!
Love the pictures!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
She is adorable!!! Looks like a little heart breaker!!! Love all your shopping and bargains. Linda
She is just precious! What size is she wearing? WHERE did you get that blanket, I love it!
A couple of things...
She may have an ear infection. Our daughter (from the same SWI) came to us pulling at her left ear and when we saw the pictures from the disposable camera we sent, she was always touching the same ear. She had a horrible ear infection.
If you got your camera/s back, have them printed at the photo shop on the island (and have the CD made of the images, too). Look for clues as to what she "likes" (unless, like our daughter's photos, they took her outside, plopped her on a blanket and snapped 27 pictures in about 2 minutes -- no clues there -- just a bewildered, ear-achey child!).
Anyway, try handing her a clean, dry washcloth. Some girls from our SWI are very attached to washcloths, I understand the nannies sometimes give them to the kids to play with and suck on.
Hope the lip gets better soon, that looks painful. If you have Aquaphor with you, try that -- it's awesome stuff!
She's a beauty, your Giorgia/GiGi?
So glad to see that you're doing well. Your little Georgia is just beautiful. I love all the pretty clothes that you are getting her. She will be the best dressed baby around.:)
Wow...excellent insight from Truly Blessed, above. I didn't think of that at first when I read your post but then again, my 15 month old does the same thing when she has an ear ache and sometimes it takes me several times seeing her do that before I remember it could be an ear infection. Mama Brain Drain, I always say!
I can see I have a horrible addiction brewing...checking in to see Giorgi every 5 minutes. She truly is gorgeous!
She is soooo, beautiful, Stephe!!! I LOVE checking your blog every morning!
FWIW, my first daughter (11 months old at adoption) rarely smiled while we were in China. I didn't realize it at the time because I got smiles sometimes in our room, but it's really obvious looking back at the photos. She wasn't sad, just very intent and serious. In hindsight, I can see it was part personality (she likes to hang back and size up new situations) and part stimulation overload (constant change in sights, sounds and people).
I agree with others that you might want to get Giorgia's ears checked out to rule out ear pain/discomfort.
That cracks me up that they actually say they like her "eyelids"! I have heard on the news about the eye surgery thing...ethier way, her eyes are beautiful and she is so cute!
I agree with the ladies above, rubbing the ear could be a sign of ear infection, but also Aiden did the same thing when she was tired. She'd start off rubbing her eyes and then her hands would slide to her ears and she'd rub them as if she was rubbing her eyes. My mother in law was always concerned it was an ear infection, but she just ended up rubbing her ears instead of her eyes when she was tired. But nonetheless, she's just so cute and precious!!
Yes - she is definitely the cutest thing I have ever seen...(until I see my own daughter!) :) She is a very beautiful little girl. Start planning now how you will keep the boys away!
I love these sleepy time pictures. She's super beautiful.
Many kids pull their ears when tired, but because many SWI kids have horrendous ear infections without a lot of symptoms, it's worth checking into.
What size pjs does she wear? I'm trying not to buy too many footed kinds, but they're so cute I feel bad passing some up.
The cracked lip is probably because she's not used to the dry heat in the hotels, which is very hard on the skin.
Beautiful baby, beautiful mama! =)
agree with the ear infection. Although our daughter didn't mess with her ear, she did have an ear infection. She just would not eat and was throwing up. We took her to the White Swan doctor. She cleaned her ears out real well with peroxide and treated with two types of drops. We started her on the antibiotics we brought from home (per WS dr's orders). We also took her back the second day for ear cleaning and more meds on the boils on her scalp. The drops we were given and continued to use on our trip. She was fine on the trip home. Do not want ear infection on the plane!
Our daughter got attached to just the plain, white cloth diaper. It was a single ply. She used those until about 6 months ago. Now she is attached to dad's shirt.
Love seeing her pics. Such a cutie!
She is so beautiful!!!
She's just amazing, Stephe the photos.
That sweet face hust beggs to be kissed :)
Just a thought, Is she stuffed up and maybe mouth breathing making her lips dry?
I love your shopping purchases! And the videos. Looks like you are having so much fun! Thank you for posting so much, It has been so fun to watch your dream come true :)
She is just beautiful! Fabulous photos!
Oh my God she is the cutest baby ever!!! I love her eyes! She is gorgeous Giorgious!!!
Wendy Harrison
Savannah, GA
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