(While at the pediatrician)
What, you don't like my Chinese Formula???
You want me on this stuff??
Um Hello, will this taste as sweet and yummy??
I'm reading here...
and I don't think it will be as yummy. Are you sure we have to switch???

ANSWER: Yes! G's pediatrician is not happy with the Nestle formula and is switching her to Emfamil Lipil and transitioning to milk as soon as we can. Sorry G!!
G is just so adorable. I can't believe how much she is changing each day that she is home. I love seeing the photos, the doggies with her.....every little thing about her. She is just precious.
She's a peanut just like my little one. My daughter, Jade, just hit 20lbs and she's 16 months. She's a trooper like G though, she takes those shots like nobody's business...her father cries though and has to leave the room.....sheeesh, MEN!
I vote that you NEVER, EVER post without a picture of Giorgia because I can't get enough of her!
I can see you are enjoying every minute, Mama...you deserve it! Ain't life grand?!
Love the face! Both of my kids were on Enfamil Lipil. Works great, goes down easy and you can buy the big cans at Costco! Bonus! If she doesn't like the taste at first, then mix it with her other formula and then eventually do more Enfamil and then none of the original stuff. It's also how we got Aiden off formula to milk. Mixed both until eventually she was drinking all milk. Garrett never cared as long as he was being fed!
Funny Post. G looks so healthy and sweet. I'm sure you area proud Mama!
LOVE LOVE LOVE that last little facial expression! What a darling! We switched pretty quick to the Enfamil too...and I love that Chinese Lullabies CD. I'm glad that nighttimes are working out (so far)!
Hi Stephe & Giorgia:
I can't believe she didn't cry during her shots! Amazing! Rachel hasn't done well from the beginning. Probably has to due with the horrible episodes we had trying to get blood work. Giorgia is adorable and I'm so glad to hear that the sleeping is going well. It took Rachel about 5 nights to sleep through the night. The time change was a killer! You did well and I'm thrilled for you. I hope we can meet Giorgia real soon! She is a beauty and I want to wish her Happy 1st Birthday too. It's so special that you got to share that with her! Blessings to you both and again, I hope we can get together soon.
Sherry Crist
You've captured such great G expressions! Love that girl! =)
I can understand nixing the Chinese formula, but I recommend Nestle Good Start over Enfamil any day. Ask Tiffany, too, since she's having better luck with Solomon on it.
Pediatrician's get kickbacks from Enfamil so they promote it. It's very bitter, but worst of all, they use a ton of corn syrup solids in many of their formulas.
Nestle did have some serious issues several years ago posing as health officials in poor nations and telling moms that their formula was better than breastmilk, but they were busted and have made amends, so I did boycott them for awhile. Regardless, I always thought their formula was the best available.
Georgia sure is cute! I can't believe she was so great at the doctor's, especially with the shots. Lucky you.
What great pictures to go along with Mama's comment. I love it!!
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