Pirate is FINALLY doing a little better. By day 5 of not eating…I was completely freaking out. I took him in to the vet and had them give him another shot of pain medication and we switched up his antibiotics. The vet said…make him eat by any means necessary. I was at my wits end. So, we went home and I took a finger full of peanut butter, literally pried his mouth open and shoved it down on the back of his tongue. He tried and tried to spit it out but that’s the thing with peanut butter…you can’t…so he swallowed it. I did this three times with peanut butter then once with cheese wiz. I figured maybe I could jumpstart his appetite.

He was a willing participant this time! YIPEE!!! Day two of Pirate eating…this is the ONLY thing he will eat. To top it off, I have to heat up the patty and feed it to him with a fork. NOT A SPOON…a FORK. I can’t just cut it up on a plate or bowl and leave it for him! He will willing eat it if I feed it to him with a FORK. I love my baby so I will do it. Geesh, what do you call a boy DIVA!!!
I’m just so relieved that he is eating now! : )
I’m just so relieved that he is eating now! : )
That is great news!
Miss Daisy goes crazy for McD fries. Hope the improvements keep up!
Keep smilin!
So glad he was eating! When Sage was really sick the only thing that worked was boiled hamburger out of my hand. It was so sad!
Good boy!
Lily and I hope that Pirate just keeps eating Mickey D's if that is what his little paws desire and that he gets better now really quick cos Momma needs a breather!
I'm glad he's doing better. I just brought one of my kitties to the vet's. 14 days until we leave and his eye starts weeping. Thankfully it seems to be nothing. There's enough going on trying to finish up all the things that I procrastinated on.
Hi Steph,
I'm so glad that Pirate is feeling better and eating. Thank God for Mickey D's!!
Sounds like Pirate is a little Diva with only wanting you to use a fork, but as a furbaby momma I know that we would stand on our heads and feed them upside down if that's what it took!!
Give Pirate a hug for me.
Donna :)
I am so glad Pirate is feeling better and that you are out of the review room! I hope things continue on such a positive roll!!!
Continued good wishes for Pirate's health.. he is a little sweetie!
Glad to hear the drama is receding!
Missy - Mom to EFP
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