Pirate is ok, but not so good news. They got the bladder stones out but some attempted to pass. Usually in pets, they don't expect them to pass, only to remain in the bladder. The biggest fear is that you don't want the stones to block the urethra-sp or it could create a toxic situation. The remaining stones NEED to come out so that we don't have this type of situation, the really bad part is that they have to cut open the urethra-sp and take them out. So, he's a boy dog, so that means they have to cute open his prized possession. So sad. I'm not sure of all of the technicallities but I was told that they cannot sew up this opening for a few days. I guess to avoid infection. This also means that he'll have to stay in the hospital probably at least until Monday. This is very sad. I have to wait til noon to call for an update. Say a little prayer for Pirate.
**UPDATE 2/1/07**
This was our self portrait this morning before we left for surgery. It's sad, my baby is very happy today and ready to go for a ride. He seems unaware that he is going to be very mad at me soon. :(
The first photo is out in the parking lot and the second...well, he's not real happy with me right now...

These photos are of Pirate trying to be an escape artist!

He's all by himself now at the vet. Poor Baby. I'll be able to call in at noon for his status. I will update.
Okay, I can breathe! Pirate still has a heart mummur but has the go ahead for surgery. No medicine is needed at this time. $452 was the price for peace and I have to say that it hurt my pocket but was totally worth it. They took his blood pressure with a little doggie arm band thing. It was just too cute. Then he had a cardio-echogram. It took 1 doctor and 1 technician to hold all 8 lbs of him down while the specialist did the cardio-echogram. They wanted me to have my face right by his to calm him. He did pretty well but the doctors definately had to be forceful to hold him down. They spent about 20 minutes doing all of the testing, the visit was about 45 minutes and I was very impressed with the staff and specialist. It really, really helps when you really feel like they took the time with you and your pet. I left feeling very optimistic and I'm breathing again...of course.
**UPDATE 1/29/07**
Today @ 3 is Pirate's consult with the Cardiac Specialist and my stomach is in knots. It doesn't help that I got into a screaming match at our Monday Morning meeting. (We are very non-PC at these meetings) Thankfully my point was finally made and my boss backed me up. I did apologize to him for getting him wound up but not for what I said. Anyway, I have more important things to worry about...my baby Pirate. I will fill you in on his update.
Freaking Out Even More...
**UPDATE 1/26/07**
I've now been to the vet for the 3rd time to fix Pirate's issue. (blood in urine) It's official, he has kidney stones...well, actually they are called "bladder stones" and he needs surgery. Bad news, my vet can't do the surgery but another in the practice can. But I want my vet! :( I guess I will have to settle with another since I cannot prolong this for very long. Surgery is scheduled for Feb 1st....
The reason I am freaking out even more is that it has been discovered that Pirate has a heart mummer with a rating of 3 (3 out of 6, 6 being the worst). They will not do the surgery until I see a cardiac specialist. Just to walk in to this consult...$400. So, I am looking at approx. $1200. Argh. Don't get me wrong, there is NO question that I will do anything for my baby Pirate, it just means taking a hit on my baby fund, and any of the trips I was contemplating. Sorry Savannah an
I hope it all turns out okay. Sot you in my thoughts.
Keep smilin!
As a fellow dog lover, I feel your stress. Hope everything is okay. Update after you find out.
Oh no! I hope he's okay. Keep us posted.
Glad to hear that they think it's something that will clear up with the meds. Hope Pirate is feeling better soon.
Glad he's doing better! My little Jazz had a seisure a month ago and I lost it! She's my little teacup pom. Thank goodness it hasn't happened again!
Oh Stephe poor Pirate and poor you! I hope your little guy is feeling better soon! Hugs
Aww the poor little sweety..glad he's feeling better!
Sending endless get well wishes to Pirate and Furbaby Mama support to you!
Pirate's in our thoughts that he gets better soon. Our fur babies are our babies too and I know how difficult it can be to not be able to make them feel better and that they can't "talk" and tell you what if anything is hurting them.
Get better soon Pirate (and meanwhile spoiling him with treats and lots of love may help)
Pirate's in our thoughts that he gets better soon. Our fur babies are our babies too and I know how difficult it can be to not be able to make them feel better and that they can't "talk" and tell you what if anything is hurting them.
Get better soon Pirate (and meanwhile spoiling him with treats and lots of love may help)
Oh wow. What an update. Poor Pirate. We (Bernie, Gracie and I) are thinking of you.
OMG, poor Pirate and poor you! I hope everything goes well at the cardiac appt so the surgery can continue on as scheduled.
I can totally relate to scary and expensive doggie procedures because of our Addy and all we went through at the cancer specialty center.
Stephe, I am saying a prayer that little Pirate gets through all this with NO problems. Once those bladder stones are out, it's smooth sailing ahead! Please give Pirate a hug for me!
Oh, and Disneyland will always be there for a later trip...it would be even more fun later on with Lauren and Giorgia! Wouldn't they look cute together posing with Minnie Mouse!
Donna :)
I am so very sorry! I am having pup problems right now too, although not as severe. I know how it is to deal with the things that hurt our fur babies. I'm really sorry and thinking of you both.
I am so very sorry! I am having pup problems right now too, although not as severe. I know how it is to deal with the things that hurt our fur babies. I'm really sorry and thinking of you both.
Oh boy... sorry to hear this news. These unexpected things can certainly hit us hard in the pocketbook. But what's harder is the worry over Pirate's health. I sure hope everything turns out okay for the little guy.
Griffey and I will be thinking of you both.
I'm crossing my fingers that Pirate will be okay! Jenny
What is going on with our animals?? Copper was at the vet today and had an EKG... good god.
I am sorry that Pirate has been thru all of this, but it sounds better now. Kiss that little cutie pie for me. I hope you are doing OK, I know this takes alot of you when you love them so much.
Oh thank goodness! My pups mean the world to me and I know that you feel the same about Pirate. Now on to get those pesky bladder stones out!
I am keeping Pirate in my prayers. I know how much my DPs mean to me! I hope everything goes well.
Your fellow Precious Panda
Michelle Monahan
Just read your update. I am soooo sorry!! Please know that I am thinking of your and your little Pirate. So sad. He will be fine tho. Just try and keep busy and get out of the house.
Big hugs!
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