I love your blog! Even linked it to mine since it's chock full of good information. Hope you don't mind. Happy 1 year anniversary. You are getting closer.
Hey, you have a "The Call" sheet somewhere right? I thought someone said that they saw a great one linked from your blog...but I can't seem to find it. I'm looking for a good one, as with any "luck" we are in the next batch. I'd love it if you can share?
I'm a single mom with an amazing daughter! It all started when I decided I was tired of waiting to be a mom. In my search to find a little girl who needed a mommy I was led to the China International Adoption program. I actually started the process in 2005, got my paperwork to China on 1/13/06. China accepted my paperwork and gave an LID of 2/18/06. After waiting 33 months, I finally received my referral on 11/5/08 for the most beautiful baby in the world. She spent her first 11 months in Southern China just above the South China Sea and now she is home with her mama!! I hope you enjoy reading & looking at my blog as much as I enjoyed creating it. During the wait I was a research junkie for all thing IA so please check out all the links in the sidebar under "Find it Here"...it will show you the posts pertaining to that category. Best wishes to all. Stephe
Ha! It's absolutely perfect!
Congrats on 12 months!
Happy 1 year down! Did you get the robeez attachment I sent you?
Hi Stephe,
I love your blog! Even linked it to mine since it's chock full of good information. Hope you don't mind. Happy 1 year anniversary. You are getting closer.
Love it! You are so clever! Happy 12 down and moving closer every day! TWELVE, can you believe it?!
Congratulations on your 1 year LID anniversary!!! We are a couple weeks behind you.
Happy 12!!
I love the Ladybug Picnic! I may borrow that in a few months if you don't mind. :)
Happy 12 months. BIG milestone. :-)
Hey, you have a "The Call" sheet somewhere right? I thought someone said that they saw a great one linked from your blog...but I can't seem to find it. I'm looking for a good one, as with any "luck" we are in the next batch. I'd love it if you can share?
Hope Pirate is doing better.
what a great blog! We are paperchasing and I cant wait to follow you on your journey
This little video is too perfect! Happy one year LID!
PS: Does this count as a ladybug sighting?
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