This brings me to the other issues that I need therapy for!! (lol)

Do you ever feel like you are spreading yourself too thin? I do. I officially belong to 34 yahoo groups but have stopped emails on 8 of them and switched to digests on 3.All the remaining groups come to my inbox at full force. My incoming email tops at about 250 a day. (That’s good…it used to be MUCH more) I am a BLOGAHOLIC too. But BLOGLINES saved my life.
You just add all of those site addresses into bloglines and it will highlight those that have new updates!!! Sure beats clicking on all those sites only to find out they haven’t been updated. The down side is that some of my fellow bloggers (that went private) and ALL of my WEBSITE friends cannot participate in this WONDERFUL thing called Bloglines!

I kinda miss their updates. I try to check them separately when I remember. See here’s the thing, just my opinion, Blogs BEAT Websites! This is why…
At a glance, anytime a friend or family clicks on to your site, they can IMMEDIATELY see if you’ve added anything. Websites, you are forced to search around and click multiple links just to see if you’ve updated! Grrr.
I’m also trying to force myself to organize all of my research. I do this by posting the topics to my blog. I try to weed out ALL the info that is not totally necessary and just the interesting facts and tips that I find. It seems to be working. So, like I’ve said before, should anyone want any info on a topic, if you don’t see it on my side bar under GREAT INFO, drop me a comment and I’ll post info or research it! : ) I like to think of requests as a WIN-WIN situation!
Now on to my NEWEST PASSION…
Digital Scrapbooking. I spend every night downloading lots of freebies, then extracting them, then systematically re-organizing them in my files. Some of you know first hand about my crazy files, so you can see how much time this adds up to. My “guys” hooked me up with a 200GB 2nd Harddrive! Yahoo. Now, I plan to fill it all up with my photos and Digital Scrapbooking stuff. Thanks guys! I belong to a Yahoo China Digital Scrapbooking group (anyone surprised?) that is awesome and I am trying to learn as much as I can. I am using it to help me create Giorgi’s Lifebook. I need all the head start I can because I know I’ll have my hands full when I get her home!
The good thing is that I'm all SHOPPED OUT! (can you believe that???) Seriously. I have no interest at all in going shopping for little girl stuff. Maybe it's just the cold weather. Things might change when Spring comes. I can resume my frugal finds blog at Giorgia's Enchanted Garden! I'm sure it too will bloom again in Springtime and my shopping "lady"bug will reappear! :)
So, this is just some of the ways that I am spreading myself too thin. But this is definitely helping me with MY WAIT! I am hoping to get all of this out of my system before Giorgi comes home. (right? Who believes that?) I think I will hopelessly be a BLOGGER forever! Thanks for listening to me. Love you guys!
Oh and by the way, that "notifylist" I have on my blog...I don't think it works! If anyone signed up for it...do you get notified when I post?
I adore Bloglines!
A true time saver.
I love digital scrapbooking! Thanks for the heads up on the Yahoo group...argh..another one!
Keep smilin!
ALL SHOPPED OUT?! I cannot believe it, Stephe! I give it a month tops! =)
I'm so glad to hear tha Pirate is doing better.
I have just recently become a bloglines junkie!
I have heard about it several times, and I finally took the leap. LOVE IT!!!
250 e-mails a day?!? Wow! I don't know how you do it.
I am going to need to check into the bloglines thing. Hopefully I can figure it out - I'm not very smart when it comes to computer stuff.
Stef, your blog and info that you provide is amazing. Seriously I've learned so much coming here - thank god for you!
So glad that Pirate is doing better. I understand the "parenting" test. I'm still being tested with Copper lately. But - we do anything and everything for our furbabies!
Hi Stephe,
I'm gladto hear that Pirate is doing better!
I signed up for the "notify list",but I have never been notified.
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