Looking for Holiday Traditions. As a single person, my holiday traditions are not very "child" friendly. I think I've spent 10 or so of the last Christmas in Sunny Key West and on Christmas day, my mom and I usually go to the theatre and watch three movies and eat lots of candy. I know some of you are probably cringing right now but it works for us. I still decorated my home for the holidays and enjoy the spirit and gift giving. I still visit with family and friends. But, it's hard to do it "on" Christmas. Everyone has their families and their obligations. Some of you singles out there might get what I mean. Anyway, when I was younger, we had more traditional holidays. Now that the holidays are in full swing, I think about my first Christmas with my daughter? (may she PLEASE, PLEASE be hear by Xmas 2007)

So, this brings me to holiday tradition. I am looking to start some holiday traditions with the two of us! I am accepting ideas! I would love to hear of traditions that are very special to you now or want to create with your child once home! Drop me a comment and help me create some special cool holiday traditions! Thanks.
Ya know, your Key West Christmases don't sound too bad to me!
We have a "girls tradition" that I do with our two daughters -- it's silly , but they love it. We have a tiny book that is an ornament - we (the 3 of us) crawl under our tree and read one story most every night. The book is about different Christmas traditions around the world - currently (as we wait) our favorite one to read is CHINA! They (and I) enjoy it -- daddy is too tall to fit under the tree, so he is fine to let this one be a "girls only" thing! Who care if it seems silly -- as long as it creates a special memory!
How about making an ornament for the tree each year.
Every Christmas Eve in the afternoon the doorbell rings and a package, (that has been left there earlier by one of us) is sitting all by its lonesome and all decked out in pretty bows and ribbons. Just as Lily gets to the door, whichever one of us is upstairs shakes little jingle bells. She thinks Sants elves brings it. It is always new P.J.s ensuring cute photos on Christmas morning. She hasn't figured out that it is the same thing every year.
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