...this is a work in progress...tips anyone?
Things that I have read that parents are bringing to help entertain the kids:
FOOD: cracker snacks, fruit snacks, Cherrios, Pepperidge Farm gold fish, Chex cereal, dum dum pops -- give them all wrapped up and it is an activity to open them AND to eat them.
TOYS: portable DVD player small stuffed animals, stacking cups, animal flash cards, tiny IKEA finger puppets (a big hit), little Fisher Price people, new books she has not seen before, crayons if they are old enough, stickers, a sticker book that has the static cling stickers that you can stick over and over
MISC: blanket, a full change of clothes
FOOD: cracker snacks, fruit snacks, Cherrios, Pepperidge Farm gold fish, Chex cereal, dum dum pops -- give them all wrapped up and it is an activity to open them AND to eat them.
TOYS: portable DVD player small stuffed animals, stacking cups, animal flash cards, tiny IKEA finger puppets (a big hit), little Fisher Price people, new books she has not seen before, crayons if they are old enough, stickers, a sticker book that has the static cling stickers that you can stick over and over
MISC: blanket, a full change of clothes
No tips, but how is little Pirate? Bandit is doing good, he will also be quite the jealous pup when we finally bring Kaylee home!! Right now he is my baby :)
Did you see these new ornaments? - check them out - they are made by another mom using our agency (CHI).
Hope all is well with you!
I've heard that not all airlines have baby food available and that you should try to bring some for the flight home.
Making a list like this is a good idea. You should post it to SAC when you are done :)
Be sure to bring *several* changes of clothes for baby and at least an extra shirt for yourself on the plane with you. Our little one did great on the long flight, slept 10 of the 15 hours, but she also had a bout of diarrhea and we had to change her clothes twice on the plane.
We just got back with our 2nd baby (12 mo) and we took our two year old back with us for this trip. The BEST thing I did for travel was to put them both in plastic pants OVER the diaper. It saved a number of clothing changes during unavoidable delays where I couldn't change their diapers right away.
Happy 2007!!!
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