Review Room

Giorgia's Mini Tree
This is how I revamped it. (click on tree to enlarge)
I matched it to her faux sky wall. Soon, I will add some homemade crystal ornaments. (gotta have sparkly). I also temporarily covered the red base. When it's warmer out, I will repaint it so it looks a little nicer. So, she'll only have this one little tree in her room until I can find the 3ft one. Maybe next year!
Save the Dolphins

“BEIJING (AP) — The long arms of the world's tallest man reached in and saved two dolphins by pulling out plastic from their stomachs, state media and an aquarium official said Thursday.
see complete article HERE.
Holiday Traditions?

My Fish Tree

Air Travel with Kids

FOOD: cracker snacks, fruit snacks, Cherrios, Pepperidge Farm gold fish, Chex cereal, dum dum pops -- give them all wrapped up and it is an activity to open them AND to eat them.
TOYS: portable DVD player small stuffed animals, stacking cups, animal flash cards, tiny IKEA finger puppets (a big hit), little Fisher Price people, new books she has not seen before, crayons if they are old enough, stickers, a sticker book that has the static cling stickers that you can stick over and over
MISC: blanket, a full change of clothes
Gigi Books

Starfish Story
Diaper Bag

Easy clean
Water Resistant
Lifetime Warranty *
Fits as carry on luggage for all airlines
Padded pocket to hold camcorder or breast pump
Deep inside compartment with zippered pocket and 1st Aid compartment
Cell phone/PDA/Sunglass case
Soft-sided cooler integrated into the backpack (holds 6-8 canned beverages)
Modular insulated pocket holds large-size baby bottles
Mesh water bottle holder
Toy loops
Bungee X Cord to hold jackets, toys, blankets
Oversized changing pad 26" x 17"
Touch as nails zipper with easy pull
Heavy duty lug handle
Reflective tape for safety
Diaper Bag Contents
First time parent? I am? Still trying to figure out everything that should go in a Diaper Bag. Here's what I found:
Here's what's inside the Diaper Bag
put all this stuff in labeled ziplock bags and so that it's easy to put in Diaper Bag once in China. But when getting it ready first put all in Bag to make sure it fits.
One bottle of water for making formula
One bottle of water (two packs of Crystal Light mix)
Five Huggies diapers
Two disposable changing pads
One travel size package of wipes
Diaper Disposable Bags
Diaper Rash Ointment
Two plush toys (hang from little "nooses" on bag)
One package of Gerber Graduates Mini-Fruits
Wallet with money
Digital Camera extra battery extra memory
Zone bar (snack for mom)
Small hairbrush
Baby nail clippers
Thermos with hot water
pacifier with pacifier clip
Vinyl bib
Three single serving sized baby formula
Playtex nurser (bottle) with small bottle of juice inside.
Small sippy cup juice inside
Five disposable adhesive placemats
baby silverware
One small covered container with suction bottom
teething ring
Light green receiving blanket
One pair of pink socks with non-slip soles
Motrin or Tylenol for mom
One pair of pink lightweight pants
One "onesie"
lightweight baby sweater
One terrycloth/velcro shopping cart handle cover.
lightweight sweater for Mommy!
Ziplock with chapstick, hair bands, disinfectant wipes, mirror, bandaides and pill container with Advil, etc. makeup
Pet Peeves
Since I have a little doggie, my spin will be about dogs and babies. I am sure that this applies to any type of pet.