Starting to LIKE my sippy cup, sometimes!
Ladybug Sighting!
Her little red bow is from A Crystal Garden!! Check it out for the CUTEST ever hair accessories and more!
G just hanging out in one of her 6-9 month outfits. Can't believe the small sizes that she is still wearing!
Just a close up of the pigtails!
She's a girl after my own heart...admiring my front plate! Pirate's rock. (Legendary ones not real ones)
What would I do?
- Found the price of daycare, daipers and formula for a week and put that into savings each week
- Paid off my car
- Researched my butt off on everything
- Got my packing list blog and stuff done way before referral (mostly)
- Had lots of clothes for G when we got home
- Had lots of diapers and wipes ready
- Carseat installed
- Joined China Lifebooks and had a base drafted before referral
- Joined China Digital Scrapbooks
- Learned how to Digiscrap and built up my library of elements etc.
- Researched every step of the paperwork before I actually had to do it.
- Read LOTS of books on bonding & attachment
- Started my blog/blogs
- Joined lots of yahoo groups related to China Adoption
- Got most of my care package ready before referral & used Red Thread China too.
- Had a diaper bag packed before I left for China for when I got home.
- Bought my SWI gifts after Christmas when everything was 75% off
- Put up the baby gates (except top of stairs...regret not doing that)
- Had a Learn to speak Mandarin in my car and listen to occassionaly
- Installed Skype on my computer and practiced before China
- Designed my Thank You Cards (you'll need a million but you can buy them)
- Bought Lots of stamps (by FOREVER stamps) I didn't...stamp $ went up. :(
- Decide on luggage you already have or buy luggage when goes on sale like me.
Okay, I could really go one forever but these are some of the mail things I AM VERY GRATEFUL THAT I DID!
Our other battle is FOOD. I MUST FEED HER WHENEVER SHE ASKS AND AS MUCH AS SHE WANTS! Oh, and DON'T make her wait. Yes, I am jumping through hoops with this one. I'm trying to build that trust right now. This is my second BATTLE.
East Meets West Conference
There was an East Meets West Conference this past weekend in Baltimore. I found out that the guest speaker was Director Huang from my daughters SWI. How cool is that! He flew all the way from China to speak at this could we not go! G was fairly good while he was speaking, she kept me very busy.
HELP - Fabric!!!

***I have no idea who the manufacturer is. A seller on ebay had made an outfit with this material on it but it is no longer on ebay. I have been searching words like pucci inspired, funky hot pink fabric and michael miller fabrics (it sort of looks like his style)...I've been unsuccessful. The itty bitty photo above is all I have to go on! :(
First Egg Deposit
After 2 unsuccessful Easter Egg hunts G finally gets it. This is her FIRST Egg Deposit in her Hello Kitty Basket!
My Monitor
This post is for Catherine. Still LOVING my Monitor. It's the Summer Infant Complete Coverage Color Video Monitor Set by Summer Infant, Inc. But the fact is, you really don't need all this. (I still love it though) Anyway, I was dead set on having a color monitor and ironically the only time she sleeps in her crib it's dark/low light and when night vision kicks on and it's black and white. This morning was the first morning she actually slept in and I could reap the benifits of a color monitor. I guess it would be different if she napped in her crib but she doesn't. I hope to use it in the future when she is older and playing up in her room by herself and I am downstairs. (oh, and FYI, my friend has this same monitor and one night they intercepted another homeowners monitor! Caught them doing some Xrated baby in sight but the crib was close by! I have found no interception issues with mine. lol)
Happy Easter
Hope everyone has a GREAT Easter!
This is one of my digital scrapbooking designs with the help of the kit "Birthday Dreams" found at Oscraps, a few internet bunnies and my Princess Giorgia!
Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon are having a conversation about Anna’s wedding day and that Julia feels that when she is looking at this most beautiful woman about to get married, that Anna will be thinking, “I wish my mom was here.” Susan’s biggest fear is that she “won’t be thinking that.” Susan says that is one thing that Anna will never have to do is chose between her mom and stepmom. Susan has her past and Julia has her future.
I know I am Giorgia’s mom, but she will have a birthmother. Circumstances beyond my control will result in my daughter never knowing her birthmother. I will never make her chose; I will find a way for her to honor her birthmother. I don’t know how yet, but I never want her to feel as though in her heart, she has to make a choice. There is room for both of us.