“Stepmom” with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon. Have you seen this movie? It was on tonight. The most touching and heart breaking moment of the movie just happened and I can’t seem to stop my tears. Do you realize that this is a moment that all of us are going to share? I know that we won't be a stepmom, but go with the concept...
Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon are having a conversation about Anna’s wedding day and that Julia feels that when she is looking at this most beautiful woman about to get married, that Anna will be thinking, “I wish my mom was here.” Susan’s biggest fear is that she “won’t be thinking that.” Susan says that is one thing that Anna will never have to do is chose between her mom and stepmom. Susan has her past and Julia has her future.
I know I am Giorgia’s mom, but she will have a birthmother. Circumstances beyond my control will result in my daughter never knowing her birthmother. I will never make her chose; I will find a way for her to honor her birthmother. I don’t know how yet, but I never want her to feel as though in her heart, she has to make a choice. There is room for both of us.
Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon are having a conversation about Anna’s wedding day and that Julia feels that when she is looking at this most beautiful woman about to get married, that Anna will be thinking, “I wish my mom was here.” Susan’s biggest fear is that she “won’t be thinking that.” Susan says that is one thing that Anna will never have to do is chose between her mom and stepmom. Susan has her past and Julia has her future.
I know I am Giorgia’s mom, but she will have a birthmother. Circumstances beyond my control will result in my daughter never knowing her birthmother. I will never make her chose; I will find a way for her to honor her birthmother. I don’t know how yet, but I never want her to feel as though in her heart, she has to make a choice. There is room for both of us.

I deal with this on a daily basis. My daughter lost her mother at the age of 7. I adopted her at the age of 9 after being her stepmom. Its hard, VERY hard. My daughter has good memories of her mother, and we try to keep that alive. Not an easy task as her mother was a very troubled woman, ending her life in a tragic way. My daughter has a lot to overcome, and hopefully she will grow up to be a secure woman knowing that she was loved deeply by her mother and also by me.
I love this movie too and just watched it again recently. I hadn't thought about the birthmom idea in relation to it, but you are right. There is room for both of us!
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