I consider Daycare Day 1 a success!!! Okay so she wasn't perfectly clean when I picked her up. This is a photo of her hanging out on the floor. I took it at the exact moment she saw me...just before the crocodile tears and limp noodle impersonation. Her pants were completely perfectly white so I know the floors are clean. Now, the bib situation is another story. It's hard to see in this photo that her top was totally stained with lunch and snacks. There is NO way they used a bib and quess who had to scrub forever to get it out! Anyway, she is loving daycare and seems to be content. She's definatley more active due to daycare. So, Mama and G are both handling this transititon well and it only took 4 days to ensure they used the new SMOCKS that I purchased to be used at all meals, snacks art projects! Let's see if this continues! Oh and before anyone flames me... I don't care if she gets dirty on the playground. Having dirty pants at pickup is COMPLETELY different than having millions of food stains all down the front of her shirt from 11am til 3:30 when I pick her up.

What I always loved when teaching the little ones was when they got an itch and reached under the smock with their paint filled hands to scratch it.
They don't / will not use bibs at our daycare either. Drives me nuts but if that is my only complaint I can live with it. Of note Abby's Meema doesn't like to use bibs either. She just hides the evidence and low and behold she is wearing something different when I pick her up. LOL! Funny the dirt clothes are misteriously MIA when I look for them but always turn up the next time we are there sparkling clean no less. (hope she isn't reading this she is a G fan too)
Also don't know if you know this trick? For any food stains just wash the clothes like normal then let them dry flat in the sun. The stains disappear!
Don't be surprised if at week 3 or 4 she really acts as if she doesn't like it...we had a wonderful transition to daycare and then one week boom she cried and cried and cried then got sick was home a week and when she went back was fine...big girl. But the week of crying almost did me in and my husband too...I think she actually realized we left her and intitially she could not stand it. We don't send bibs and somehow she is clean...but I don't pack a lunch of spaghetti often either. Can you believe you are home and back to work and she is here after ALL the wait...
I'm a HUGE bib user. Even the 3 yr. olds I watch use them. Good for you for insisting. It's much cleaner for daycares to use them, I don't get why any would not.
I send Jade to daycare with a bib ON her and then I put a plastic one in her lunch box for food. I also hang another clean one on her crib/mat for after lunch. AND I made it very clear to the girls there that bibs are a must for me. She was also drooling a lot when her teeth were coming in and the bibs helped out in that regard. I'm not the mother that they all LOVE but I am the one that they all respond to right away because if I see something I don't like I immediately say something.
Somehow Anna could be wearing a bib and still manage to get food all over herself. At almost 3 1/2 now she's still not a very neat eater.
Julie Anne
(G is adorable!)
Wow, I just remembered to check your blog - she's beautiful! And I sure know how this goes. My daycare uses bibs, but some days it looks like she's just rolled around in the food. I mean, the hem of her jeans or her butt will have food stuck on! If I put her in a sweatsuit from Grandma that I don't care for, she'll come home spotless. If I'm brave and send her in Gymboree, there will be stains that remain through 3 washings and tons of Shout! I did put my foot down and tell them absolutely no markers, washable or otherwise. Good grief! She came home with purple hands last time! good luck with them keeping her clean. ;)
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