Here is the letter that I submitted to Ann to translate for the care package. I told her to reword if necessary. It's a compilation of letters that fellow adopters shared with me...
Dear Director and Nannies,
I am eagerly looking forward to adopting (G's Chinese Name). I feel honored that I will be mom of this wonderful little girl soon. Thank you for all the love and care you have given her.
I am enclosing a disposable camera in this package, hoping you might be able to take some photographs of (G's Chinese Name) at the orphanage, and anything that you feel may be important to me or her in the future. I will keep these pictures to share with her when she is older. They will mean so much to us. She will definitely cherish them in the future. I will get the pictures developed while we are there and send you copies, if you would like.
Please accept the enclosed tea for the director and candy for the orphanage caretakers and children. I deeply appreciate the time and effort you and your staff devote to helping orphans have a good place to live and grow.
Thank you. I will forever be grateful. I look forward to traveling to China to bring (G's Chinese Name) home as soon as possible.
Enclosed is a list of questions. Answers to these questions will help us to make the transition easier for her. Thank you for taking time to answer these questions.
Does her name have any special meaning?
What name(s) do you call her?
How would you describe her personality?
What makes her happy?
What makes her angry or upset?
What do you do that soothes her?
and one more personal question.
What do you do that soothes her?
and one more personal question.
Awww Steph, sorry to hear you cant get updated photos :( Maybe after they read your letter they may change thier mind. I think your package is awesome, I love the little outfit too. Bet your feeling the same thing I am..HURRY UP TA's!!
I also bought a care package from Ann! She is so nice and I just loved her service. The outfit that you have in the photo is the outfit she sent to the orphanage and the outfit she wore on gotcha day.
Sorry about the updated photo!
ok this is pretty you know how much i learn here??
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