Reunion of Friends
Funtime with Friends at our annual Fling. This year it was in Florida. For some reason, I see it staying in Florida. A reunion with old friends and some new ones. It was a great time for all.
Thank you to the KING & QUEEN for hosting this event. You are WONDERFUL hosts. Your home is beautiful and you went way above and beyond making sure we all had a great time. (which we all really DID)
As always, we have an exceptional group (and a little crazy) that continues to grow with this never ending wait. It's not all bad though...The most amazing thing that this wait has given us is the Gift of Friendship.
I was so excited to meet our newer east coast pandas (Sharon & Karen) and our newbie east coast pandas (Evelyn & Jesus) I can't tell you how great you all are and just the fact that I know know 5 (Karen, Donna & Joe, Evelyn & Jesus) of my travels mates...that's AMAZING. And who knows, I could end up travel at the same time as some of my other east coast pandas.
Now, I'm saving the best for last...our first little East Coast Pandette Lia! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say Sheryl's little one is a total cutie and I'm grateful to have spend all the time on the plane and the weekend getting to know her. She's the BEST!!! I Sheryl definately showed me all the tricks to traveling and flying with a two year old. Fortunately for me, she is a "go with the flow" kinda girl. Gotta love that!!!
Oh, and look, It was like Christmas! Look at all the really cute stuff I got!
So, CHEERS again to all my girls. YOU ARE the BEST and I LOVE getting together with all of you. It gives me renewed momentum to do some more WAITING!!! I miss ya already!

My Baby Yesterday 12/15/08
My daughter is going to be the exception to the rule. She's not going to be an itty bitty. I bet she blows those Asian Charts out of the water...I'm thinking I should bring a copy of the American Childrens Charts. LOL.
THANKS to Jill & Colin and their little girl Lilah! I got my best ever Christmas present. You see, Lilah and Giorgia are at the same SWI and they are in CHINA right now. They were able to visit the SWI and if they got the chance they were going to check on my little girl.
Guess what, they were granted entrance and got to see everything. Come to find out Lilah and Giorgia were cribmates! Their cribs were literally touching side by side. Lilah was on the end so Giorgia was her only cribmate. Jill says, "Your daughter is gorgeous and is being cared for VERY WELL, believe me." She also said, "...the staff are AMAZING!" I feel I can breathe again.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU,THANK YOU, Jill, Colin & Lilah!!!!!
(Note the NEON/HOT PINK...I think that's what they call fate.)
Year of the LUCKY Pig
Well, I learned a few things. When I started this process I thought, ohh, I want a little girl with the Monkey sign. Then I looked at the dates as quickly realized that would never happen and I forgot all about the zodiac sign until the 2007 Chinese New Year. It was such a hoopla. The Year of the GOLDEN PIG, the LUCKY pig, the FIRE pig! All things let you to believe that your child, born to this particular PIG year was truely blessed. Since G was born in Jan of 2008 I assumed that she had missed that extra blessed period but I was wrong! She was actually born within the Chinese New Year 2007 so she is the sign of the GOLDEN pig. Yippee!!
Year of the Pig 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
From 18 Feb 2007 to 6 Feb 2008
Persons born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and born sqiures. They put their whole energy in everything they do. They pursue their goals without wasting a thought of giving up. They often are fortunate in their ventures and reach their goals. When it comes to friendship they are quite choosy but once they made friends the friendship is everlasting and they are loyal friends.
They are eager for knowledge and usually well informed. They are not very talkative though and avoid discussions and arguments. They match persons born in the Year of the Rat or Sheep.
THE FIRE PIG 1947 AND 2007
Active, outgoing and extroverted, Fire Pigs breathe new life into everything they do. These Pigs are vivid, motivated individuals who cannot be deterred from a goal once they have set it. They are emotional and passionate about their loved ones, their occupations and their objectives. They are bold and vivacious, unafraid to take risks despite the consequences. They make great bosses because they do work so hard and because they are so spirited. But don’t doublecross a Fire Pig. They have the ability to be quite abrasive when things don’t turn out as they planned.
"Fortune tellers say this is a "golden pig" year, which comes around once every 60 years, so the Chinese welcomed it in particularly exuberant style, rattling the windows of downtown apartments and courtyard homes with the bangs and whistles of millions of fireworks. Firecrackers are a traditional way of celebrating Chinese New Year and there were more than 380,000 boxes of firecrackers sold officially, compared with 240,000 boxes for the same period last year, which was the first year fireworks were allowed inside Beijing's inner city area.
Astrologers say that people born during the Year of the Pig are lucky, as a pig is a symbol of plenty, as well as of fertility, and many get married during the Year of the Pig to guarantee healthy, wealthy offspring. The labour wards of Chinese hospitals are usually crowded around "pig" years - though with 1.3 billion people and a system already over-stretched, the maternity wards are always pretty full anyway. Famous pigs include Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Woody Allen, David Letterman, Sir Elton John and Hillary Clinton." ~ found here.
I am still a MONKEY!
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Persons born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be intelligent, clever and flexible. They're very inventive and therefore solve problems easily. Monkeys have sanity and reason and are eager for knowledge.
They don't put tasks into cold storage but tackle a problem right away which makes them successful. That also leads to them looking down on others and makes them tend to be overweening. Best matches are those born in the Year of the Monkey or Rat.
Shower - Part 3
Shower - Part 2

Shower - Part 1
Anyway, I am planner and not a fan of suprises but they did fool me up until I recognized some cars when I got there...I was suprised then. I was even more suprised when I saw who all was there!
I will spend the next week sharing all the bits and pieces of my AWESOME shower! So, if you are not into fabulous girlie things, don't come back for about a week! LOL. Below is my shower invitation. (edited slightly because it's online) Isn't it so cute. My friends that don't run in the adoption circle we run in found Mandy's Moon. I adore the fact that they went the Asian route for my shower. More to come...
Bathing Beauty

"China is expecting a baby boom this lunar year — the year of the pig, according to the traditional Chinese calendar. Here, a newborn bathes at a maternity hospital in Shanghai, where it's believed swimming with the aid of a rubber ring calms the babies. "

Three infants swim in a baby health center in Huangshi, Central China's Hubei Province February 7, 2006. Swimming is conducive to the development of babies' body systems and gets increasingly popular among young parents. [newsphoto]
(above) BEIJING, CHINA - MARCH 16: A baby undergoes swim training at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Youyi Hospital on March 16, 2007 in Beijing, China. Maternity wards in hospitals are hectic as many women attempt to have babies during the golden pig year of the Chinese lunar calendar. City officials uneasy that this baby boom will cause in the future generational social problems, such as over-crowding in schools and job markets.
(above) BEIJING, CHINA - MARCH 16: A nurse helps a baby undergo swim training at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Youyi Hospital on March 16, 2007 in Beijing, China. Maternity wards in hospitals are hectic as many women attempt to have babies during the golden pig year of the Chinese lunar calendar. City officials uneasy that this baby boom will cause in the future generational social problems, such as over-crowding in schools and job markets.
Guangzhou Western Clinics & Doctors
I have recently seen fellow IA parents in Guangzhou posting for help finding Western Doctors & Clinics so I would post the information that I found. If anyone has any thoughts, info or other clinics, please post in my comment section. Thanks. Stephe
International SOS (China) Ltd. - Guangzhou
17th Floor, Unit 07, Guangzhou International Electronic Tower
403 Huan Shi Dong Lu, Yue Xiu District
Guangzhou, +86 10 6462 9117 510095 China
Admin Tel: 86 20 8732 6253
Admin Fax: 86 20 8732 6417
International SOS Clinic
Room 152, Dongshan Plaza, 69 Xian Lie
Zhong Road 510095
Western-trained MD?s
Guangzhou - #1 Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University
1 Yangjiang Road, Guangzhou 510120
8333-7750 X3046
Emergency hotline 8333-6797
Guangzhou Children’s Hospital
318 Remnin Central Road, Guangzhou 510120
Emergency hotline 8188-6332 X5103
Can Am International Medical Center
5F Garden Tower, Garden Hotel
368 Huanshi Dong Lu
Western-trained MD?s
#1 People’s Hospital (Global DoctorClinic)
1 Panfu Lu 51080
Emergency Hotline 8108-0509, 8333-6797
Mobile 135-7003-5254
Packing Tips
Found info below by Truly Blessed she's got a great list of tips here for Guangdong babies.
"Don't bring fancy bottles or too much food for baby (including formula). They're only getting formula at (G's) SWI, and most have never had any other foods in their mouths. If you want to, take along a baggie of Cheerios or Veggie Puffs, but you probably won't use many, as baby needs to learn how to use her tongue to push foods back into the throat, and that takes a while to learn. The orphanage uses basic, cheap bottles with the long nipples some have "wings" on them, and the hole has been cut MUCH bigger for thick formula. I'd wait to pick up a few bottles on Shamian Island (and you can purchase the "winged" nipples at the Carrefour store). All kinds of baby foods and formula are available in China...I'd wait to transition to American formula when you get home."
"Don't bother packing a divided formula container. The formula you'll use packs (settles) way too easily, and is hard to get out of the container. Better: take disposable bottle liners with the large opening and fill them up with a bottle's worth of rice cereal & formula. Twist tie them shut and put several in a Ziplock bag. They're easy to pour into the bottle (even on a moving bus!). BTW, we used SIX of these on the flight home"
"Don't take too many diapers, either. The Chinese Pampers in the green bag work great! In fact, all of my American Pampers leaked, but not one of the Chinese ones did. They're easily available at the grocery store on the Island, and at the Carrefour. Wipes are also plentiful at both stores."
"My husband laughed at me before we left, but he didn't laugh when we used a power strip every single day to charge the computer, camera batteries, gameboys, ipods, etc. We took a converter/adaptor, and plugged the power strip into it. We then had lots of places to plug stuff in."
"Don't bother with snacks for yourselves. Everything is available there, even Oreo cookies and Ritz crackers. We saw so many things we recognized from home. Save the space in your luggage for more baby clothes and extra shirts for yourselves (did I mention that babies are notoriously messy, and some of their mess gets on Mom and Dad?)."
"If you travel after Nov. 1 until probably May, don't bother packing a swimsuit for baby. The White Swan pools are COLD! Even myteenage boys and husband didn't use them much. Same thing with swim diapers. IF you need them, there are tons left at Jennifer's Place. (Prunes too - don't bother packing them, get them from the shelf at Jennifer's Place if you need them, but none of our group's babies would touch them!)."
"Set up a diaper changing area in your hotel room, and keep it stocked with supplies. That way you won't have to keep raiding the diaper bag for things, and forget to replace them"
"Get off the Island in Guangzhou...walk through the market and down to the pedestrian mall and pearl market. It's not far, it's good exercise (carry the baby, don't use the stroller!), and you'll see much more of the local life than you ever will on the Island."
Half the Sky at G's Orphanage

They have a Library!
G's Orphanage was also a recipient of a Great Wall Library of Love. The children now have access to education and a place for them to read, learn, and to attend classes.
Donated with love from the Belden family.
Care Package
Dear Director and Nannies,
I am eagerly looking forward to adopting (G's Chinese Name). I feel honored that I will be mom of this wonderful little girl soon. Thank you for all the love and care you have given her.
I am enclosing a disposable camera in this package, hoping you might be able to take some photographs of (G's Chinese Name) at the orphanage, and anything that you feel may be important to me or her in the future. I will keep these pictures to share with her when she is older. They will mean so much to us. She will definitely cherish them in the future. I will get the pictures developed while we are there and send you copies, if you would like.
Please accept the enclosed tea for the director and candy for the orphanage caretakers and children. I deeply appreciate the time and effort you and your staff devote to helping orphans have a good place to live and grow.
Thank you. I will forever be grateful. I look forward to traveling to China to bring (G's Chinese Name) home as soon as possible.
Enclosed is a list of questions. Answers to these questions will help us to make the transition easier for her. Thank you for taking time to answer these questions.
Does her name have any special meaning?
What name(s) do you call her?
How would you describe her personality?
What makes her happy?
What do you do that soothes her?
and one more personal question.
((Look at that pasty white leg!!! Oiy))