The city of Yanjiang has two counties, Yangxi and Yangdong. Yangdong is where Giorgia is.
The Population is 2,600,000 and the Area is 3,017 square miles
Nationalities: Han
Location: Yangjiang is a coastal city in southwestern Guangdong Province, facing southward to the South China Sea. Close to the Pearl River Delta, The city is 153 and 99 miles from Guangzhou and Zhuhai. By water, it is 143 and 129 sea miles from Hong Kong and Macau.
History: According to archeological discovery, human settlers first came to Yangjiang ten thousand years ago. Like other regions in Guangdong, it was conquered by the Qin Cour belong to the shires established there. As its location became increasingly important, Yangjiang had been elevated from a county to a shire by the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
Physical Features: Main terrain of Yangjiang decends from the north to the south. It has two mountains standing in the northeast and northwest. Within the territory, the city’s zenith is the Ehuangzhang of the Wangfu Mountains. Furthermore, Yangjiang has thirty islands in total bearing a coastline of 213 miles.
Climatic Features: Situated in subtropical zone, the city holds temperate weather and abundant rainfall. The extreme heat may emerge in August. Summer is long and hot, lasting from mid-April to late October. Typhoon and rainstorm usually happen in summer and autumn.
When to Go: Without chilly winter, Yangjiang is an all year round tourist destination.
Special Local Products: sea product, black bean sauce, lacquer
What a beautiful photo! Do you imagine vacationing there with her when she is older? It looks so relaxing.
When do you travel?
hi Stephe,
Your daughter is adorable. But, as our guide said about two minutes after we received our Lela (Shaoguan (northern) Guangdong 1/25/05) Not Han. That full mouth and "big" eyes are not typical Han. Many Chinese have asked if Lela is Vietnamese or Korean (so they are no better at ethnic ID then us round eyes.)There are actually quite a few ethinic groups in Guangdong.
Jennifer W (Asialifebooks)
Very interesting....
I see you've done your homework. Interesting facts to know.
I have two girls from Yangjiang! :)
A few more things about YJ:
They have a large Kite Festival every year. Make sure to get Giorgia some kites for her room!
Yangjiang is famous for making knives. Nearly any knife "made in China" is made in Yangjiang. We picked up a set while in Yangjiang.
I have had Chinese say "Han people" about one of my YJ daughters and "Vietnamese" about my other YJ daughter. They DO look very different. Vietnam isn't too far away, so the Vietnamese thing might not be too far of a stretch.
Thanks for the info on Yangjiang! I enjoyed reading it. My daughter is from Yangjiang and looks a lot like your daughter in many if her pictures! They are both very pretty!
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