(Just note that they don't have to look like pandas or be dressed in Asian garb for your child to fall in love with them.)
2. For introducing dogs to baby: When baby comes home, before bringing her inside, have one parent take inside a blanket or outfit that has baby's scent on it, and HOLDING THE BLANKET WITH BOTH ARMS (like a baby), present it to dogs. The dogs will likely recognize it has a human scent. Then bring baby in, also held in parents' arms, and let dogs see baby from a distance first, and gradually introduce them.

4. Do not to ever leave a baby unattended in the same room as a dog, no matter how small the dog.

great post. We just got a basset so we love that top picture!
I've introduced two, terrified babies to THREE HUGE DOGS! It took some time, but now all five of them are best friends.
That last picture cracked me up! Good thing that baby probably doesn't have teeth!
Hey, can you feedburn your blog? I want to subscribe with my work email, I can't access blogger there but I can get feeds.
I'm enjoying stumbling upon your blog--you crack me up! Looking forward to you meeting your daughter!
This picture is so cute. OI know I know she's munching on a puppy, but it looks so innocent.
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