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Found these divider suggestions at organizedhome.com
Planning Divider
To start your Household Notebook, begin with the basics: planning and time management. Claim your time with a Planning Divider!
What belongs here? Calendars, schedules and to-do lists direct the course of family life. In-depth planning tools, like mission statements or goal planning worksheets, do the hard work of translating goals to reality. Use a three-hole punch to add work schedules, school calendars and events lists for church and civic activities.
Phone Divider
Calling all phone numbers! The Phone Directory is the most useful, most-consulted section of any Household Notebook. The Phone Directory is a single place to put class rosters, take-out phone numbers, club directories, emergency phone numbers and phone messages. No more scraps of paper, missing numbers or scribbled phone books!
Family and School Divider
Family is where the heart is--and deserves its own divider. This section tracks information needs of family members and family life:
personal information page for each family member
clothing sizes tracker
master occasions list (birthdays, anniversaries)
gift suggestion list
birthday party ideas
recommended Web sites
list of DVD/videos to rent
list of books to read
library information
Families with school-aged children will want to add a school divider to hold:
school schedules and holiday list
lunch menus
carpool schedule
school information page
school reading lists
homeschool records
summer programs information.
Home Management Divider
Bring it all back home! The Home Management divider holds information central to house and home. Cleaning, entertaining, decorating and household storage information find a home here.
Consider these ideas for the Home Management divider:
household cleaning schedule
seasonal chore checklists
children's chore checklists
home inventory
home decorating ideas
party planners
car maintenance schedule
stain removal guide
recycling locations
home storage inventory
yard sale checklist
Meals and Menus Divider
In the kitchen, the Household Notebook helps plan meals, create menus, and track inventory in pantry and freezer. Use this section to hold grocery shopping lists and price book forms for maximum savings at the super market.
Money and Finance Divider
Tracking dollars and cents makes sense, so add a Money and Finance divider to your Household Notebook. Keep track of household finances with budget pages, inventory sheets and household informaiton.
Here are some examples of the kinds of information that can be included behind this divider::
budget/spending record
bills to pay
credit card list
online service/online account information
home inventory
insurance information
safety deposit box inventory
utilities/services directory
magazine subscriptions
warranty information
vehicle records
Health and Fitness
Organize family health care with a Health and Fitness divider. Have a medical emergency? Grab the Household Notebook on the way to the Emergency Room. Visit to the pediatrician? Use this section to record illnesses, medication and medical history.
Types of information to file in the Health and Fitness section include:
diet trackers
blood pressure record
first aid kit checklist
medical information sheet for each family member
emergency directory
medical authorization form
prescription drug record
insurance information
pet health records
Travel and Activities
Time for fun! The Travel and Activities divider covers the extra-curricular activities that make life worthwhile. Hobby, church, club, sports, volunteer, vacation and travel ideas are included here.
Your Household Notebook may have several dividers for this purpose. Are you part of a musical chorale? Give it a divider. Do the children play serious soccer? Divide it up!
What belongs in these sections? Any and every piece of paper pertaining to that activity. Prayer chain lists. Sports information sheets. Lists for travel and camping.
These sections will vary from family to family, but here are some ideas:
picnic planner
travel packing checklist
before-we-leave checklist
camping checklist
vacation idea list
house-sitter information sheet
PTA newsletters and rosters
church prayer circle list
Scouting or PTA materials
Wow, was that a great site with awesome information. Please go check them out at http://organizedhome.com/
I use these, also! I have a few resources on my blog on the sidebar under organization. I've done this for a few years and it helps me save a great deal of time. When I want to work on something, I know exactly where everything is (on a good day!).
I'm a single, adoptive mom of 2 and have had aupairs. It really helped me get organized for their needs in addition to minimizing my stress staying organized!
I enjoy your blog!
Jeana in Illinois
Steph -
I am always hear just reading along...love your organizing ideas...I use the FlyLady (flylady.net) system which is very similar...I LOVE the artwork you used for your binder - do you mind sharing where you found it?
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