I stumbled upon a blog today, here, and her challenge for the day is to clean out your fridge. Hmmm, think I'll jump on board. I must read more, this may be the solution to my clutter problem.
"So, today's Cut the Crap assignment is to clean out your refrigerator and plan meals using up everything that will otherwise spoil in the next week. Who knows, this might save you some grocery money. Check back tonight and I'll have an update with pictures of the clean refrigerator, a list of what I had to throw out, and my meal plan for the next week."
Steph,I can't imagine your refigerator needing any cleaning, some left -overs maybe
what a great Monday project, if you don't mind I will join you but I won't be taking any pictures I will check back lataer to see yours
Ooo I love this I am doing it too.. Thanks for turning me on to this Stephe..
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