So, My questions to those of you who've BTDT are:
What's the deal with inflatable tires? Is this a good thing or a pain?
Do I buy this for Giorgia now because I love it so much and I've been looking for 2 years and it might not be available when I get my referral?
Or do you think it's ugly and I can find better if I just knew where to look?
Jeep® Liberty® Limited 3 Wheel Stroller
by: Kolcraft
12" Inflatable Tires and Air Pump
Music on The Move Parent Tray
Multi-Position Reclining Seat
Electronic Toy Steering Wheel
3 Tier Canopy with Window & Mesh Pockets
Product Description
The Jeep® Liberty® Limited stroller includes 12" inflatable tires for a smooth ride and a tire air pump. The steerable front wheel can be locked for bumpy surfaces. The music-on-the-move parent tray allows parents and baby to enjoy their favorite tunes using their own personal stereo including an iPod (sold separately). The parent tray also includes dual cup holder and a locking lid. Features include a convenient 1-hand fold with padded, brushed handle, multi-position reclining seat, extra thick seat pad, electronic toy steering wheel with horn, car sounds and music, removable snack tray with dual cup and juice box holder, 3-tier canopy with window and mesh pockets, 2 removable cargo bags for extra storage, and a basket for storage. Its height-adjustable, 5-point harness and 2-stage footrest is designed for growing kids. The seat accommodates up to 40 lbs.
Jeep® Liberty® Limited 3 Wheel Stroller
by: Kolcraft
12" Inflatable Tires and Air Pump
Music on The Move Parent Tray
Multi-Position Reclining Seat
Electronic Toy Steering Wheel
3 Tier Canopy with Window & Mesh Pockets
Product Description
The Jeep® Liberty® Limited stroller includes 12" inflatable tires for a smooth ride and a tire air pump. The steerable front wheel can be locked for bumpy surfaces. The music-on-the-move parent tray allows parents and baby to enjoy their favorite tunes using their own personal stereo including an iPod (sold separately). The parent tray also includes dual cup holder and a locking lid. Features include a convenient 1-hand fold with padded, brushed handle, multi-position reclining seat, extra thick seat pad, electronic toy steering wheel with horn, car sounds and music, removable snack tray with dual cup and juice box holder, 3-tier canopy with window and mesh pockets, 2 removable cargo bags for extra storage, and a basket for storage. Its height-adjustable, 5-point harness and 2-stage footrest is designed for growing kids. The seat accommodates up to 40 lbs.
once again, I can not wait to learn from your commenters
The stroller looks great. I did have a Jeep stroller once, but hated it. It was not a jogger like the one below. Just make sure you like how it handles, that is sooo important.
I do like that it has a harness as opposed to just a lap belt. They can get out of those, but not the harness, so they are important to me.
I recently bought a double jogger stroller and was concerned about the inflatable tires. I haven't used it too many times, but have only filled them once, when I put it together and haven't had to do it since. So I don't think the inflatable tires are a big deal. They are necessary for the jogging/running aspect, not that I have to worry about that! No jogging here, but I like to go to Fairmount Park and it rides very nicely on the gravel and dirt paths. And it comes with an air pump. Great feature! I had to buy one.
Extra cup holders for mom are very important and I like the built-in speakers. Also important that you can fold it with one hand.
My front wheels don't swivel and that is a pain, so it's good that this model has a swivel wheel.
And I like the steering wheel and I'll bet that Giorgia will too! I say buy it, it looks like agreat stroller and I am "stroller happy". I've had several over the last five years and I really like the jogger for kiddie comfort. The problem with the double one is that I can't get down the aisles of stores in the mall!
Sounds like you are way ahead of the game in getting a look at the strollers hands on. We researched them online 'til we thought we'd found the one that we really wanted. Then we actually went to Babies 'R' Us to physically test it and did not like how it worked at all. Some of the strollers are hard to turn so good wheels (great for traversing gravel, wood chips and loose dirt) and a small turning radius are very important. Handle height is something that we always consider. Though we both have the same inseam my husband has a longer torso and pushing a stroller with a low a handle can be torture for him after a full day out. The ease of getting the stroller opened and closed is major! On the trips out by myself I like being able to get the stroller up and down and back in the car with ease. Whether you can actually lift the stroller in and out of your car trunk or vehicle cargo area by yourself and if it will actually fit in your car trunk are also very important things to consider. Perhaps you could convince a salesperson to accompany you to your car and let you try it out?
I'm glad to see that there is some color on the stroller. When we were stroller hunting the first time around everything was gray or navy. I know it hides the dirt & the wear and tear but I would have liked a few more color options back then.
I didn't see it in the features list but are there brakes on the rear wheels? I'm thinking of all the zoo visits and events in parks where there were large groups of people and the only place to stop and view things was on an incline or slope and it would have rolled down the hill if not for brakes. The brakes can also be used stabilize the stroller so it doesn't roll away when you are taking your child in or out of it.
This past year when our daughter was about to turn 4 we needed a more compact folding stroller that we could check for a flight. At that point we took our daughter shopping with us to see how the strollers turned with her actual weight on the wheels. I've heard of some people actually testing out strollers or baby carriers by finding a bag of flour or some item roughly equivalent to the weight of their child and then taking it along to test it out. The 2nd time around with our daughter in the seat for the test drive we ended up getting a different stroller than the one that had appealed most online.
The canopy for shade and storage to keep your hands free are also important. I agree with the previous poster that the harness is much better than a lap belt. Our daughter is in and out of lap belts with the greatest of ease. She has also managed to figure out the child safety cap on her children's vitamins as well.
Ultimately it has to be comfortable and easy for you to use and safe for your little one.
This is the same stroller that I've been planning to get. So I hope the commenters have good things to say.
I do know someone in real life who has it. She loves it. We went shopping one day with her daughter in it and I pushed it around. It maneuvered (sp?) great even in tight spots between racks of clothes.
I like the stroller. What are the plans for the use of this stroller? Are you a big walker who loves to be out running/walker outside where you will need the speakers, and inflated wheels? I do know that a friend has one and loves it, but she also is a runner/walker and uses this stroller to do her outdoor stuff only. She has another one that is not so big (side pockets) that gets around the mall and inbetween clothing displays much easier. Think Target baby department. Just my thoughts... I am opting for a smaller, lighter, one hand collapsing one. (MacLaren) This I will use for my airport use, traveling places, mall shopping. My things I am looking for??? I want a large basket, can lay back for Tate to sleep, takes not too much room in my small SUV, cup holder for me. I bought a similar one like this Jeep one at a yard sale for $25.00 that will be my park and neighborhood walking stroller....
Whatever you decide, I am sure you will make the right decision.
We had a Jeep Stroller for our son, and loved it... it was one of the first editions out and they thought of everything... so I can only imagine that they've gotten better and better. Ours was passed on to subsequent friends and is still going strong 6 years later!
Good Luck with the Stroller search!
As an experienced childcare provider and doula, I have to say that the two most important pieces of baby equipment you will ever use are the stroller and carseat because you will use both tremendously and will love or hate the models you get.
In my experience, the American brand strollers are the utter worse. They are not well-built and are unweildy to handle, like wrestling a drunk dinosaur down the street. Many people test their strollers in the store without putting about twenty pounds of "baby" weight in them, and believe me, you will quickly discover the true nature of your stroller with twenty pounds in it. Remember, too, that you tested it on a smooth level floor and most places you stroll will have different surfaces and bumps. I prefer air-filled tires to the airless variety. I think the air provides more shock absorption.
Important features to look for include:
Ease of steering (height of handle and the position, angle of handle, size of wheels, center of weight - should be in the back)
Ease of collapsing
Ease of lifing in & out of car
Is the seat roomy enough for a 2 yr old or does is "hug" your child? If it "hugs" then your baby will roast in the summer.
Ease of cleaning
I recommend Maclaren strollers the most. You WILL get what you pay for when it comes to strollers. They come in many colors. I also recommend keeping it simple. Chicco strollers are also pretty good, like Maclaren, but not quite as great. I find Peg-Preggo too rickety.
All this said, Jeep is not an experienced stroller maker and I have heard many negative things about their strollers - several models.
I personally love Emmaljunga strollers and my ultimate favorites. I found an excellent used model for my daughter. Recently, I also found a top-of-the line Maclaren. Both can be seen on my blog.
Just so you know, Britax is my favorite carseat. I would never trust my daughter's safety and comfort to anything else. BTW, they are also made in England.
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