Now, you see, I NEED some cranberry juice...for medicinal purposes. I was at WalMart and saw these two. Hmmm...which one to get? Man, that Black Cherry one looks great. What's the difference? (I don't like to read, just look at pictures. lol) Figure I will have to figure this stuff out if I have a little one.Then I did something I NEVER do, I flipped it over and read the back. (like the big fat 100% was invisible)
Holy bejesus, the "YUMMY" one is nothing but sugar water and 25% cranberry juice. The other one was 100% cranberry juice. There was only like 35¢ difference, wow!

Now I pose the question, what is juice anyway? Is this what all the hype about not giving kids juice? or you mean don't give them juicy sugar water? Juice is good as long as it's juice? I guess you'll only know if you look closely. Hmmmm... anyone with any thoughts on this?
Wow, good for you for reading labels. Cranberry juice is so yummy. I love it with a little bit of diet sprite/7 up.
In our house 100% Cranberry or other juice - no yucky sugar - high frucrose corn syrup here! Yea it really pays to read labels -like Mayo light - it is full of sugar as well - vs the fat in the regular - I guess like all stuff - in moderation ...-now if I can stick to that idea..
if you give your child 100% fruit juice it can replace one veggie /fruit for the day. 1/2c equals a fruit/veggie in the food pyrmid. however too much fruit juice causes dierehea in small children. so beware...
I think the "problem" with drinking too much juice is that it shoots your blood glucose levels up causing your body to secrete insulin. They you get the "crash" after the "high". I've heard the better way to get your Vitamin C in through eating the actual fruit with the pulp. It slows blood glucose elevation because of the fiber of the pulp. Juice still has sugar in it, even if its a natural sugar, so moderation is key.
The sugar in juice, besides the "high and the crash" and the diarrhea, also gives a baby a sense of being full so they are more likely to eat LESS food, which is where the nutrition is.
The next worse thing is that it's absolutely HORRIBLE for their teeth, especially when given from a baby bottle because it's against their teeth longer.
As a daycare provider, I've seen the negative effects of juice in the short-term as described about. In the long term, there is a higher chance of diabetes because the body adapts to high sugar levels by desensitizing the insulin receptors so they no longer respond to sugar levels.
There is a higher chance of obsesity, too. When the body receives sugar with fat, the fat is instantly stored while the sugar, more easily usable, stays in the bloodstream longer. This is important if one is interested in losing weight - be sure not to eat sugar and fat together. Have desert or that little treat well ahead or well after a meal.
It is best to eat food that is in it's natural state - apples, oranges, grapes, etc, instead of the juice. Juice is too easy to drink too much of and the fruit itself provides for fiber too.
It is amazing what in in our foods these days and thank goodness for nutritional information on the labels.
LID 01/27/06
It's really very nice site for the cranberry juice.I like it.
cord kits
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