My friend and Precious Panda, Donna, had a great post today. She was organizing all of Lauren Elizabeth's clothes in the closet. Little girl clothes are just the cutest and I can't get enough!!!! I just LOVE looking at everyones closet. Gotta LOVE those organizers Donna. You are definately a girl after my own heart.
So, Donna posted a bunch of great questions. Here are my answers below:
Is there a good way to store hair clips and hats?

I found that these clear, over the door, shoe holders are awesome!!!
Is it best to hang only dresses and fold everything else up in drawers?
Personally, I hang almost everything. In Giorgi's closet, I am only hanging up to twelve month clothing. I have all other clothing in bins, sorted by size. My goal is to have in her closet, the size she is currently wearing and the next size up. It looks like I have a lot but I really don't. I am grateful to friends that have given me bags full of clothing from their little girls. (and my clearance finds and yard sale items) Oh, and I have a drawers for pajamas, onsies, socks and bathing suits. Everything else will be hung. (Everything in my wardrobe is hung as well) I guess it's just what's easier for you.

Do they make kiddie hangers to hang matching tops and pants on one hanger?
I would think they do but I haven't really seen them. I am trying to save the hangers from purchases to hang the clothes. For now I just use regular hangers and hang them side by side or hang one hanger onto another.
What about those headbands that match a specific outfit? Loop them over the hanger with the outfit?
I would just put this one in the over the door accessory holder but hanging over the outfit hanger is a very good idea.
Let's see everyones closet and cool ideas!!!
YOu are now officially an organizing mentor..YOu have been such a help!
You are the MOST organized person I've ever seen! I really hope it rubs off on me!!!!
LID 11/21/05
Love the closet! I think Abbey's closet is my favorite place in our whole house. It is so much fun to pick out her clothes every day. You are going to have a blast.
LOL! Don't let my organizational skills fool you!!! I'm the messiest person ever!! My life is full of clutter! (working on it) I'm just waiting for my friend Deb to read your comments and start laughing! Deb, it's ok, you can tell them!!! :)
Great post Stephe!
I am inspired! I don't have much for Alyzabeth yet, but will use your great ideas.
LID 01/27/06
ooohhhhhh, totally drewelin' over that closet!
I love the idea of the shoe holders for smaller items. Easier and quicker to see and match w/outfits than putting them into a drawer.
Thanks, Stephe!
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