Chinese values social properness and not as much on appearance.
It is proper to take a gift. Maybe you could present box of chocolates.
If you want to invite the orphanage director to lunch, it is proper to invite others in the meeting with you, usually one or two of the director's assistances.
If you want to invite a caregiver to join you at meal, you should extend the invitation through the director to show him the respect his position merits.
Always make sure to be modest and gentle.
Orphanage Children’s gives could be a lollipop or small school supplies you could buy in China,
Don’t want children to feel as sense of envy or self-pity.
I have read that "Many parents also wonder how their children handle the orphanage visits. As long as the visit is not done immediately upon your arrival, when everyone is jetlagged and culture shocked, my observation is that children are less sensitive than their parents perceive them to be."

Great series of posts. Thanks!
We just got back from China and were able to visit the SWI. Our daughter was fine with the visit as long as no one tried to hold her but me. The director and a nanny both wanted to hold her and she cried immediately.
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