Why are people so judgmental? Geesh. Why is everyone so up in arms about Madonna Adopting? Give me a break.Madonna did get her criminal reports done.
She got her immigration done.
Had a homestudy too.
The particular area in Africa has NO waiting list.
Hasn’t she appeared to have raised her Bio children well?
Hasn’t she attempted to keep them out of the spotlight?
Doesn’t this little boy deserve to have a family adopt him?
Oh, I know, it would be better for him to stay in an orphanage for a year or so before he can be adopted…because that would be better?
Oh, I get it, if you are rich that must mean you would be a horrible parent and should never; never create your family through adoption.
Oh, I guess that if you are a celebrity, you couldn’t possibly give love to anyone but yourself so how could adoption be a possibility.
Why are some of you sooo pissed? Seriously. Are you just pissed because she got her baby quicker than you? Go to Malawi and adopt.
There are so many people in this world that make a lot of money/celebrity status but you don’t see lots of them actually trying to make a difference. She donated that money for an orphanage and she has opened up her heart to give a little boy a family. This is ONE LESS ORPHAN in the world. Open up your hearts people and stop being so GOD DAMN judgmental.
Oh, and to anyone getting ready to hit that little comment button and leave me an ignorant or negative email..."BITE ME"
Madonna Adopts
Celebrity Adopts
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Well Said Stephe!!
You already know how I feel. They can bite me too.
Well said Stephe and my thoughts exactly. Why is it that she is getting such a hard time and other celebrities have not? The important thing is that there is one less child living alone in poverty in the world. I think they make a beautiful family and I hope they have all the happiness they deserve.
Susan R
I am right with you! I think it is wonderful she choose to grow her family through adoption and more celebrities should do more for the orphans in the world!
Have you read this? This is what upset me the most about this adoption. It isn't that this child doesn't have a family. He does. And his father loves him and wants him to live with him. He put him in the orphanage 'temporarily' because his mother had just died. Hate to be the devil's advocate, but thought it was worth mentioning. To me, if she really wanted to do good, she would have given thisman money to be able to bring his son back home and adopted another child whose family members have died or do not claim him/her.
---Yohande Banda, the birth father of Madonna's adopted son, told local Malawian journalists that he had put David into an orphanage temporarily last year, after the death of David's mother. He also said he did so because he feared that David was suffering from malaria, which had killed two of his other children, and that he was influenced by government officials to accept Madonna's adoption. "The government people told me it would be a good thing for the country," said Mr. Banda. "They said he would come back educated and be able to help us."
I agree with you 100%!!! Good for you to dare to say something that might piss off the Blogger Gods!!
just randomed by. You are missing a few crucial facts. The child HAS a family, his father is alive and aware of his whereabouts, his extended family visited the child regularily in the orphanage. Malawi does not allow international adoption - the normal criteria is that people have to have been resident in the country for one year. She has circumnavigated all of the normal procedures, and thats what is annoying everyone. The money she will spend on this one child could be spent better. Perhaps had she adopted a true orphan there would have been less of a hoo hah. I'm not adopting, nor planning to adopt, nor give two figs for Madonna, I just thought I ought to put you more in the picture. (oh and I also don't have a blog sorry.
Up to this point we only know what the media circus wants us to know but we do know that this little boy is no longer in an orphanage. Doesn't that count for something.
Your post opened my eyes.
Thanks Stephe
Well said- I totally agree! Good for you for having the courage to say so... :)
I totally agree!! Well said.
Go Stephe! I totally agree with you and am impressed that you had the courage to post this message! The bottom line is an orphan has found a home and an impoverished nation has funds that will actually make a difference. People need to lighten up or do something themselves that would make such a difference instead of just judging the situation from their own living room.
Talk about straight up and to the point! I think Madonna pointed out something very crucial. SHE met with the boy's birthfather. Having met my son't birthparents and talk to others who have done the same, you kind of know when they understand and are very serious about their choice, but with the media all in his face questioning his choice for days of course you may recant your decision or feel guilty.
I love how direct and to the point you are. It's your blog and you can say what you want to, how you want to
I commend Madonna for opening her heart and her home. This has been a great week for highlighting international adoption. I have gotten so many questions these day and goes to show you how many people are interested but don’t know where to start and people like Madonna that can lead the way to adoption I'm all for it.
I commend Madonna for opening her heart and her home. This has been a great week for highlighting international adoption. I have gotten so many questions these day and goes to show you how many people are interested but don’t know where to start and people like Madonna that can lead the way to adoption I'm all for it.
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