Okay, I am back to my "information" type posts again. Real life is boring and nothing to post. So, I am trying to organize all of my info and trying to post. (This is my incentive to get-it-together). Anyway, I thought I would post on the Squat Potty. I am sure, by now, all of you know what one is. Below is part of a post from someone on one of my yahoo groups and I thought it was just the funniest thing ever!...
"Squat toilets really aren't that bad ... the worst ones would be at really touristy places (like the Great Wall) ... that said, I'd go "squatty" over a western toilet any day ... some of the western ones I saw in China were WAY grosser than a squatty ... most families I know who have been to China, agree.
Practice doing the "squatty" in the shower ... pull your panties down past your knees, then using your hands pull the entire fabric area forward, then squat down and let loose ... keep your feet placed a good shoulder width apart and balance with elbows/forearms on your thighs ... really, it's not that hard.

Yeah, I'm gonna run right home and practice!! Right! But there is a small part of me that says maybe I should practice. LOL.

He he ... yes, practicing is a good idea! I answered your post on my blog ...
Freak!!! I never even thought of the squatty potty... I guess I will have to build muscle in my upper thighs.....
That was great too funny. I'm going to take a shower right now, better start practicing!!
...and really it's like no different than going camping and when push-comes-to-shove, you have to squat and go in the woods! So I guess we can look at the trip to China as a camping excursion!
One of my biggest fears is peeing on my panties and then having to walk around like that. I'm thinking I'll just take the suckers off, do my business, then put them back on.
Oh, freaky deaky! I am one of those weird people who has a hard time peeing in public places anyway. I'm gonna have a rough way to go in China ;0) Ah, if one has to go bad enough. This too shall pass...quite literally :0)
Thanks for giving me something to look forward to aside from the joy of my new daughter ;0)
Oh!! Please tell me the hotels have toliets! Believe me growing up I had to do my share of squatting. As a young child I remember that I had this tendency to have to go on long on deserted roads with no reststops. Not to mention that I have 4 working kidneys that keep my bladder full if I drink anything at all! So this is like "extreme hovering"!
Having used the squatty potties before - they aren't too bad. But, don't forget to bring toilet paper with you when you are out and about!!!!!
Question....do you face forward while squatting (towards the stall door) or backward (towards the back wall? I know, dumb question, but I really have no idea.
Yes, the hotels have western pottys.
For a squatter, you face the door like here. The quality/cleanliness varies. If you go out & about to non-hotel restaurants, BYOP bring your own paper to wipe - tissues come in handy. (Friends of friends took us to cheap but fabulous non-English speaking restaurants). But at a department store, there might be a mega-roll on the way in before the stalls, while you are waiting in line - you take paper while you are waiting in line. It seems to be like western bathrooms - there is always a line for the ladies room.
The solution for my mom and I was quite simple. We took a stack of disposable cups...we peed into the cups just like you do at the doctor's office. My mom's brilliant plan! It was the easiest solution and I plan to take cups again on my second trip to China.
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