Giorgia is one of the TEN finalists for
Delaware's Cutest Baby/Toddler!!! I'm excited and she was excited with the lollipop I gave her. lol. Please help her win and go vote at the
link below!! It's out of the judges hands now so it's the votes that count. You can vote once a day online and once a day at the Christiana Mall. The only slight inconvenience is that you have to register...
But it's easy, short and only have to do it once. She needs everyone to vote
(pretty please) as much as you can. The voting starts right NOW... Thursday, June 24 until July 5th. I'm going to post reminders daily so just laugh and roll your eyes when you see my annoying posts! lol. Giorgia loves you all! Hugs.

This is G just arriving at the mall and stunned by ALL the people! There must have been 300+ on that "short" list!!! lol

I decided against video taping the event because lets face it, there were 2,660 entries and they were all stinkin' cute. Last minute I decided what the heck and as soon as I pulled the camera out they revealed the first finalist...GIORGIA!! OMG, totally didn't capture THAT moment and G was like, "I NO GET OUT OF STROLLER", so we just kind of waved and they brought us a pin and an 8x10 of the photo that HUGE reveal photo!

They took a photo of me and my girl.

I was now into bribery!

This is my favorite photo...the one above! I was trying to get her to pose infront of the photo below but she ran to the one above and said, "NO, THIS ONE". Okay, she's the boss!!

Here are the 10 Finalists that G is up against. They are all so freakin' cute. So PLEASE go
VOTE for my girl!!!

As I was taking photos of the Finalist board, G was trying to ensure her win. lol
You go girl! lol

Help her WIN!!!!! Yippee!!!!!
What is the contest?
MomsLikeMe.com is in search of Delaware’s cutest babies.
One (1) top winner will be featured as the cover model for the August issue of Delaware Moms magazine. First place will receive a $250 gift card to Christiana Mall. Second and third place will win $100 and $75 respectively. Prizes will be awarded in two categories including baby, ages 0-18 months and toddler, ages 19-36 months
Ten finalists for each category were selected by a panel of judges on June 22. Voting your favorite babies and toddlers starts now!!!
Winners will be published in Delaware Moms Magazine and on Momslikeme.com on Wednesday, July 28.
Thanks for taking the time to vote!!!