Laptop Travel Tips
"With the holidays right around the corner, many of us will be packing our bags and bon voyaging to visit friends and family. If you are planning on packing your laptop, there are some precautions you should take to make sure your laptop is in tip top shape when it arrives at your destination.
Be sure to carry your laptop in a bag designed for laptop computers. If you accidentally drop your laptop while it is in a good carrying case, you have a good chance that it will not be damaged. Most laptop bags have extra padding for added protection.
Keep those holiday cocktails away from your laptop and try to avoid using small base glasses as they can easily tip over. Spilling liquid into a laptop can ruin it.
Grilled Asian Orange Chicken

Crisco® No-Stick Cooking Spray
2 tablespoons Crisco® Pure Canola Oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/4 cup Smucker's® Sweet Orange Low Sugar Marmalade
Remove the cooking rack and heat grill to medium high. Spray the cooking rack with Crisco Cooking Spray; replace on grill.
Combine Crisco Pure Canola Oil, soy sauce, lime juice, and ginger in a bowl and mix well.
Add chicken; marinate 30 minutes. While chicken is marinating, melt Smucker’s Orange Marmalade in microwave at 50% power.
Place the chicken breasts on prepared grill; brush with half the melted Smucker’s Orange Marmalade. Cook about 5 to 6 minutes. Turn and brush with the remaining marmalade; cook another 5 to 6 minutes until done.
Yield: 4 servings
Grab & Dry Gloves

Each glove can be worn on either the right or the left hand, so you can flip them over when one side gets wet. Great for drying delicate items like wine glasses, Grandma's China or heavy vases; polishing; and even car detailing!
• Made of 100% cotton
• Machine-washable
• One size fits all
Available in white with red trim.
$14.95 find them here.
"Gotcha" ???
It didn't surprise me to find that adoptees have a slightly different feeling about all these gushing gotchas. Eight-year-old Becca Lampman, who was adopted from China, said, "It sounds weird to say that—call it ‘Adoption Day' instead." Her 17-year-old sister, Elena, adopted from Romania, agreed: "I wouldn't like hearing ‘Gotcha Day' used in my family. To me, it sounds like someone snatched you away from your birth family, or almost like you are a prize that was has a gloating, ha-ha tone to it."
So, what do you think of "Gotcha Day"? Will you use this term or another? If so, what are you using?
Children's Day
“Only if we would not treat our kids as our prized possessions whose achievements alone are to be showcased as trophies. They need our love and assurance the most when they deserve it the least. Let them know that failures are as much part of growing up as success. Let us consciously try to remove the imbalance of power (still prevalent in most Indian homes) which makes the sons believe that they can get away with everything. Let us give them a sense of belonging and not expensive gifts. Let us respect the law and not indulge in a sick display of opulence. “
“We may have our own dreams about our children but as they grow older we need to respect (rather than kill) their interests and choices in life”
“On this coming Children's Day let us try to gift our children their 'Age of Innocence' sans junk food, TV/internet abuse, conspicuous consumption, sedentary lifestyle and an insensitive couldn't-care-less attitude. Let us guide them lovingly yet firmly on their path of self discovery.”
Emergency Smartpack
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Clutter-Free Giving
Clutter-Free Giving
By Carmen Coker
"Clutter-free Giving is the act of giving someone a present that will not, in turn, clutter their home, office, or life! It is a reciprocal philosophy; it applies not only to the act of giving gifts to others but also to listing presents that you would like to receive.
If you are really creative, it's not too hard to come up with a gift idea that will enrich someone's life without causing physical clutter. Here are some options for Clutter-free Giving to get you started…
One last note - contrary to popular belief, gift cards to department stores do not count as Clutter-free Giving! While the card itself may be small and un-clutter-like, the person will use the card to buy something for themselves, for their home, or for their office - and that something will eventually turn into clutter!”
Please read her post for the entire content here.
Some of the gifts that I like are…
Netflix Subscription
Lawn Mowing Services
Car Wash and/or Detail
Grocery Store Gift Card
Gas Gift Card
Spa Treatments
Restaurant Gift Certificate
Savings Bonds
Online Magazine Subscription
Event Tickets (Theater, Concert, Movie, Sports)
Gym Membership
iTunes Gift Card
Classes (Self-defense, Singing, Language)
I would like to add...
Costco Gift Card for printing of digital photos
Gift Certificate for fun classes/lessons for a child (anything)
Yearly Passes/One Visit pass to Zoo
Pool membership
Cruise (yeah, like that'll happen! LOL hey, it's clutter free)
3. Create your gift list based on what you know people really need and use. If you aren’t sure, find out their favorite stores, restaurants, activities or service providers and give them a gift certificate. Even better, give a clutter-free gift of an experience or something consumable like food or ink for their printer! Do a Google search on "clutter-free holiday gift ideas" for lots more ideas." (from here.)
Please post if you have a great idea for a clutter free gift!!!
Door Organizer

The Doorganizer from See Jane Work is just the ticket. Just put everything right on the door the night before with your keys, checkbook, and to-do list to save yourself a few precious minutes in the morning.
Made from sturdy canvas and available in black, pink, red, and camel. Price: $15.00"
Travel Tips to Beijing
I stumbled across this article while surfing by Arun Gupta. Read the entire article here , there are photos.
"Shopping is a LOT of fun in Beijing. There is a great variety of clothes, toys, gadgets, etc. at local shops. And no shopping is complete without bargaining and that too HARD bargaining. For example when shopping at touristy places, such as street-side shops near Great Wall, bargain HARD. The rule that I followed was to quote the price to 10% of the original. Here are some examples:
Tee-shirts quoted 1 for 130, paid RMB 3 for 50 RMB
Cashmere Scarf (can't be original ;) quoted 1 for 160 RMB, paid 5 for 80 RMB
Great Wall Memento quoted 350 RMB, paid 20 RMB
Refrigerator Magnet quoted 20 RMB, paid 5 RMB
Generally the shopkeepers will give a counter offer but be straight-faced and maintain your price. To keep it easy, just stick to your price and pretend walk away. In all the cases, I was approached with my quoted price :) "