Asian Flush
Chopsticks Anyone?
Just my opinion...

Pirate's Addiction
Since he's been really good through out all of these doctor visits, I've been giving in to his ADDICTION!
It's DORA. I bought Giorgia a little Dora Hula figurine for bathtime. One day when I was taking a bath in her bathroom, Pirate spotted it. He went nuts. I now have to keep her bathroom door shut when I'm not in there!! I decided to let him play with it and took some video. IYES, I am a Dork but isn't he cute?
To minimize the risk of a baby or toddler choking, follow these safe feeding tips:
Be careful of big globs of food, such as golf ball-sized, pasty globs of white bread or spoonfuls of peanut butter. Even though these foods are soft, babies can choke on them. Don't spread peanut butter too thick, and monitor how quickly the bread gets packed into the mouth. The more whole grains in a bread, the less likely it is to form a pasty glob.
Check the chunks. Once baby's molars appear (usually around the middle of the second year), chunky soft fruits (such as fruit cocktail-type size and texture) are safe.
Allow toddlers finger foods only under supervision. Be sure they stay seated as they eat and are not lying down or running around. Choose snacks for the car carefully.
Hold the hot-dogs . Since hotdogs are neither nutritious nor safe for baby, you can scratch them from the diet. If you are fortunate enough to find a healthy hotdog (nitrite-free, low in salt), slice it lengthwise in thin, noodle-like strips. Don't let your toddler bite chunks off a hotdog, since a hotdog chunk is about the size of a baby's windpipe.
Avoid raw fruits and vegetables that snap into hard chunks, such as carrot and celery sticks and firm apples.
Peel and slice grapes. Whole grapes can cause choking.
- cherries with pits
- meat
- chunks
- candy, hard
- nuts
- hot dog, whole chunks
- popcorn
- popcorn kernels
- raisins
- raw apples, pears, carrots, beans
- stringy foods
- whole olives whole grapes
Keep small objects out of reach from your child such as coins, small toys and game pieces, peanuts, balloons, and beads. A good rule of thumb is if the object fits inside a toilet paper roll cylinder, it is small enough to choke on.
Do not let your child eat away from the table. Many children choke because they are eating and playing at the same time.
Keep your child in your sight while he is eating.
The universal signs of choking include:
- Inability to speak
- Weak, ineffective cough
- Noisy breathing or high pitch when inhaling
- Difficulty breathing
- Bluish skin color
- Loss of consciousness if airway is not cleared
If your child (over age 1) is choking, do the following:
- Ask, “Are you choking? Can you speak?”
- If he cannot cough, cry, or speak, he is choking.
- Place him on the floor or on a chair standing up. Stand behind him with his back to you. Wrap your arms around his waist.
- Make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb side of your fist just above the child’s naval and well below the breastbone.
- Grasp the fist with your other hand.
- Make quick upward and inward thrusts with your fist. Do not thrust hard enough to lift the child off the floor.
- Continue these thrusts until the object is dislodged or the child loses consciousness.
- If he loses consciousness, lower him to the floor, then call 911. Begin CPR. If you can reach the object
- If the object is not free after 5 blows:
- Turn the baby face up and support the head.
- Place 2 fingers on the middle of her breastbone just below the nipples.
- Give up to 5 quick thrusts down, compressing the chest 1/3 to ½ the depth of the chest.
- Repeat the process of the 5 back blows and the 5 chest thrusts until the object is dislodged. If the baby becomes unconscious, see if you can reach the object. Start infant CPR and call 911 one minute after beginning CPR.
Giorgia's China Tree

Favorite Christmas Gift

My Packing List
Pirate Socks
Did I ever share with you the photo of the coolest socks ever! Kathy, my fellow Precious Panda sent them to me for Christmas. I will wear them faithfully every Christmas (and more). I love 'em, they are just soo cool.

Prom Challenge
So the story goes…
I had been dating a guy for the whole school year and foolishly assumed that I would be going to prom with him. His ex-girlfriend, whom he dated previously for 3 year, had always been promised that she would be his date for his senior prom. (I did not know this) Wonderful news. Everyone assumed I would be going with him. Anyway, not long before prom did he tell me the deal. Boy, was that a conversation. I was so hurt.
In the mean time, my best guy friend T was taking my best girl friend C and they were going with another couple K & G. A couple days before the Prom, my wild classmate G was being bad and got grounded and now K was without a prom date. So, I was the obvious choice. Don’t get the wrong idea, I wasn’t doing this to be nice so K would be able to go to his senior prom, I did it for evil. ;) I I knew that just my presence at prom would ruin my very recently ex’s ex girlfriends prom experience. (wow, was that a bad grammar or what?) Now, I’m not a “mean girl” and I created NO drama. The best revenge was having a blast!!!
Moral of the story: NEVER ASSUME!!!
Gosh, I even sound like a teenager the way I told the story! LOL.
It's Snowing....
(from my office window looking at our main building)
**If it's snowing it's cold out.
**I'll have to wear a coat, gloves, and hat.
**It means that I will have to shovel my driveway.
**My backyard will have little yellow spots all over it ...thanks to Pirate.
**People in my state INSTANTLY forget how to drive...even in light flurries.
**Every grocery store will be out of bread and milk. (once again...even in light flurries.)
**I still have to work, my company won't give us "snow days" unless the state makes it mandatory.
**I have no roaring fireplace at home to cozy up too and...
all of these things just make me sad!
I promise that when I have a little one and they want to go out and build a snowman, I will slap on a smile and do it! But, NOT until then! :)
Hong Kong Limits
McDreamy's McTwins
On the Ellen DeGeneres Show this morning, Ellen gifted guest Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey with her classically funny baby gifts for his twin boys who are due any day now. She gave him matching kiddie scrubs which said, on the back, "McCutie" and "McCuddly." "

Leo Adopting?
Summary & Photos