I have been trying to research developmental stages in children and came across some speech and Language skills from Kris Everhart, a Speech Language Pathologist. These were from a Q & A list on the Delaware Early Intervention Newsletter. It also says to Remember that these are only guidelines and that every child develops at a different rate.
1. Turns toward voices. ( 3-6 mos )
2. Aware of and quiets to familiar voices. ( 0-3 mos )
3. Reaches and looks for toys. ( 6-9 mos )
4. Makes sounds in the back of the throat. ( 0-3 mos )
5. Uses different cries for different reasons. ( 3-6 mos )
6. Vocalizes 4 different consonant-vowel combos (ex: mama, gaga, dada). ( 6-9 mos )
7. Makes sounds with people and when alone. ( 3-6 mos )
8. Participates in simple games (i.e., peek-a-boo). ( 9-12 mos )
9. Waves “bye-bye”. ( 9-12 mos )
10. Makes brief eye contact. ( 0-3 mos )
11. Gestures w/vocalizations to protest or request “up”. ( 6-9 mos )
12. Gives objects on request. ( 9-12 mos )
February Secret Pal
My first Cybershower! It was awesome and I FINALLY got to open up those gifts. My gifts were from Adriana Hutchings! She is from the other side of the country in Washington State. Come to find out Adriana is also in my DTC group. How neat. Back to the loot-boy did I make out. I got great little fortune cookie card. "Live simply, laugh often, love deeply." And a personal note from Adriana. (A. - What a long journey that you've had, but it will be a reality very soon! Thank you for sharing and I will be thinking about you.) Nancy, the box we kept shaking and couldn't figure out was, was an awesome toy for Giorgia. Little People - Discovering Animals at the Farm. Sonja Lee is who I saw first in the toy. It also comes with a video. It's too cool. Then, a baby Einstein book of dogs. I can take this to China and try to get Giorgia used to the idea of dogs before she comes home and meets Pirate. Now, the best for last...A Disney Movie for my collection. Sleeping Beauty. I LOVE it. I don't already have it! Thanks so much. Adriana, you made my day! :) Thank you! Stephe
Packing List
Car Seats on Planes
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Giorgia's Chair
I got my HighChair! Yippee! I LOVE it! See my tips on picking out the perfect highchair.

Editorial Review
Although one of the more expensive highchairs on the market, this Chicco Mamma highchair is equipped with a number of design features that make it a pleasure to use--and worth the extra money. Mounted on four plastic casters (including two that lock down), the Chicco Mamma starts with a sturdy metal-and-plastic frame that can be smoothly collapsed and folded by pushing the two child-safe buttons located on either side of the seat. As a result, you can store the chair in a space-saving upright position or roll it into the closet when not in use. All of the chair's size and positioning adjustments, including six different height settings and three angles of recline, are easy to make and work smoothly. The chair's vinyl seat cover, in handsome Skyline Gray, can be quickly wiped down after meals, and the wide food tray is equipped with a one-hand tray release on the outside so Mom and Dad can attach the tray or make size adjustments while holding a child with the other arm. To keep baby safely seated before, during, and after meals, the Chicco Mamma comes with a thick five-point harness. --Chris Burns
From the Manufacturer
The safe and easily portable high chair features a five point harness, new passive restraint system and rear locking casters for additional stability. The self locking tray is designed for one handed release and the convenient secondary tray is dishwasher safe. The Chicco Mamma comes with an optional infant support pad and padded seat, which offers 6 different height adjustments and reclines in 3 positions. Folds easily and compactly for storage.
Blog Journal
After some debate on doing a journal, blog, or scrapbook, I came up with this. I most definately have to do a blog. That is a given. These are just too much fun. I love the idea of scrapbooking, but let's face, it's *very* time consuming. I have redone pages two or three times. So, this is what I came up with. I am journaling my blog. So, make sure you all post lots of comments so I can save them in the journal. I basically just took a clear view binder and created a cover just like the one I used for my blog. Inside, I just took my individual posts and put them into a .pdf and printed them out, threw in those sheet protectors and viola - Blog Journal. It's perfect for me. See the cover below and one of the inserts.
So, here's a question. Should the journal be organized like :
A. Most recent post and work my way back?
B. Start with the very first post in front and add new ones behind it?
The Grouchy LadyBug
In Loving Memory (2 years)
My sweetest little Alex passed away just two years ago today. It's a very sad day. She was with me for 15 years! The last couple of years she was totally blind and didn't have many teeth. She was unaware of this. LOL. Nothing stopped her from eating her crunchy dog food and she knew the layout of our house...there was no stoppin' her! She was my very first baby and she was a girly girl doggie! It's sad that Giorgia will never be able to know her, have her curl up in bed with her, and share all of her **many** hairbows! I am thankful for all of the photos and video footage that I will be able to share with Giorgia. On another note...I am happy that Giorgia will grow up with Pirate! He's a love machine and can be easily bribed with table food! My next dedication will be to my furry baby boy Pirate, but for today, it's all about Alex! I miss you and I love you.